Liposomal Vitamin C

Updated on February 27, 2015

Vitamin C Overview

High doses of Vitamin C have been used by Dr. Cathcart and others to treat a wide range of illnesses. I’ve personally used Vitamin C in liposomal form to thwart the onset of colds and to ameliorate Chronic Fatigue body aches and malaise associated with Biotoxin Illness. Interestingly, Biotoxin gurus, Eric Johnson and Lisa Petrison, have both commented that high dose Vitamin C helped them with Biotoxin Illness. A recent video by Dr. Paul Cheney explains why this may be the case. Dr. Cheney explains that people suffering from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) have “severe oxidative stress” resulting in the same physiological effects as when someone has scurvy – vitamin C deficiency.

The Role of Toxic Mold in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome PDF
Dr. Cheney – Vitamin C Deficiency (at 22 minutes)

As always, this information is just my account of what I’ve found useful and should in no way be taken as expert advice. In fact, you don’t have to look very hard to find plenty of institutions warning against the use of any supplements at any level other than those listed in the RDA. These are usually the same institutions that are more than happy to load you up with a cocktail of psychotropic drugs in an effort to squelch the wide range of symptoms that result due to Chronic Fatigue, Biotoxin Illness, Lyme Disease, and other highly inflammatory illnesses.
Why A Sick Body Needs So Much Vitamin C

How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal Vitamin C Recipe

Update February 2017
Kim G. sent me this link to Quality Liposomal C Using Alcohol that makes my method look very basic. I’ve experimented with this method and find it to be too involved and time consuming along with not liking the taste of vodka in my supplements.
End Update

  1. Warm one cup of distilled water in a stainless steel pan on the stove to 110ºF – quite warm but not to the point of being able to burn. Do not in a microwave.
  2. Pour the water into your blender and then add three level tablespoons of non-GMO sunflower lecithin. Allow lecithin granules soak for at least 15 minutes and then blend on low for at least one minute. The granules should completely dissolve. Note: Soy lecithin will work but there is a question as to whether non-GMO brands are truly organic.
    Swanson Sunflower Lecithin
    Nutribiotics Sodium Ascorbate
    Milk Frother
  3. Milk FrothierIn one-half cup of room-temperature distilled water, dissolve one level tablespoon of sodium ascorbate. Using a milk-frothier in a colored bowel, you can easily see when the buffered ascorbic acid is dissolved – very important!
  4. Add the sodium ascorbate mixture to the lecithin mixture as the blender is running on low speed and blend for 30 seconds.
  5. Pour the mixture into the ultrasonic cleaner and turn it on. Stir occasionally with a plastic spoon.
    iSonic 1 Pint Ultrasonic Cleaner (8 minute timer – 2 cup)
    iSonic 2 Quart Ultrasonic Cleaner (30 minute timer – 2 quart)
  6. Ultrasonic CleanerSome cleaners will turn themselves off every 8 minutes or so. Continue to stir frequently and turn the cleaner back on until most of the foam is gone – 30 minutes or more. When done, you will have a light yellow mix that has the opacity of milk and tastes bland and a bit oily. Update: I make larger batches using the iSonic 2 Quart Ultrasonic Cleaner with its 30-minute timer. My feeling is that the oscillating sonic waves are strong enough that I don’t bother mixing the solution; I get a nice, clump-free product. Additionally, I’ve made a plexiglass holder for two Pyrex 600mL Heavy Beakers that are suspended a few millimeters off the bottom of the cleaner. This prevents microscopic metal particles from being encapsulated 🙂
  7. There should be very little if any settling/clumping. Excess clumping and settling can be caused by leaving the spoon in the ultrasound, not taking the time to wait at least 15 minutes before blending, using water that is too hot, or using ascorbic acid with calcium as the buffering agent.
  8. Keeps for about 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator (do not freeze).
  9. According to Brooks Bradley, this should encapsulate 70% of the Vitamin C. Using this encapsulation rate along with Nutribiotics Sodium Ascorbate (4.45 grams of Vitamin C per teaspoon) mixed with Swanson Sunflower Lecithin granules, the Liposomal C Calculator indicates there is the equivalent of ~31 grams of Vitamin C in pill/powder form in each cup of Liposomal Vitamin C (~2 grams per tablespoon).

Liposomal C Dosing

  • For a point of reference, you may want to consider taking Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in pill/powder form to bowel tolerance – although in liposomal form, you can exceed bowel tolerance levels when needed.
  • For quick absorption, take on an empty stomach. If you have low blood sugar issues, take 5 minutes before a light snack – it’ll still be absorbed only more slowly.
  • Vitamin C – Titrating to Tolerance – Dosage Chart
  • Mild Cold: 30-60 grams (pill/powder form) in 6 to 10 divided doses over 24 hours
  • Bad Cold: 60-100 grams (pill/powder form) in 8 to 15 divided doses over 24 hours
  • 1 cup of liposomal C = 18 to 30 grams of C in pill/powder form (depends on brand)
  • 1 tablespoon of liposomal C = 1.125 to 1.875 grams of C in pill/powder form
  • Don’t take high doses of Vitamin C for more than 90 days
  • Don’t abruptly start or stop taking high doses of Vitamin C – taper up/down

Liposomal C Calculator

Liposomal C Calculator

The Math

After you’ve got your first batch of liposomal C mixed up, the question always arises, “How much should I take?” We’ve got the tables from Dr. Cathcart but they are for ascorbic acid in pill or powder form. We know liposomal C is much more potent, but by how much? Let’s look at the math used in the Liposomal C Calculator.

  • 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
  • 16 tablespoons = 1 cup
  • 4 cups = 1 quart
  • 8 ounces = 1 cup

An Example

To do this, we’ll assume we’ve got a mild cold and according to Dr. Cathcart’s table, we’ve decided we want to take the equivalent of 30 grams of vitamin C in liposomal form. We will mix up liposomal C using 2 cups distilled water, 1 tablespoon of Nutribiotic Ascrobic Vitamin C, and 3 tablespoons of soy lecithin. According to the table, we need to take the liposomal C in divided doses between 6 to 10 times in 24 hours. We will start out with much smaller doses and work up to the 30 grams over the course of a few days and then taper back down once we’re feeling better. Furthermore, tending toward low blood sugar, we will take our liposomal C five minutes before a light snack.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

I was surprised to learn that there is quite a difference in the amount of vitamin C in one tablespoon of vitamin C powder. After all, they all contain pure ascorbic acid (no buffering agents and such) in powder form. For examples, Nutribiotic Ascorbic Vitamin C has 15 grams, NOW has 13.5 grams, and Swanson has 9 grams in a tablespoon. In the case of Nutribiotic and NOW, it lists the number of grams per ½ teaspoon on the label. In the case of Swanson, they give you a little plastic scoop that holds 1 gram and you have to count how many fit into a level tablespoon.


Now you may think that the volume for our example is 2 cups – the volume of the distilled water. However, technically we need to account for the volume of the 1 tablespoon of vitamin C powder and the 3 tablespoons of soy lecithin. I’ve seen some people add 1+3=4 tablespoons (1/4) cup of volume. However, there is a lot of air in-between the ascorbic acid crystals and soy lecithin granules. Furthermore, once they dissolve from a solid into a liquid, they have even less volume. If we estimate the actual volume added to be only 1 tablespoon, then in a two cup mix (32 tablespoons), this adds (100×1/32)= 3% more to the total volume. In other words, the volume is 33 tablespoons.

Encapsulation Rate

We need to know what percentage of ascorbic acid is encapsulated. Based upon what others are saying, the encapsulation rate is typically between 70-90% (although it could be as low as 50%). A common way that has been suggested (Pdazzler) to test this is to put 1/2 cup of liposomal C in 1.5 cup glass and then mix in 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda that has been dissolved in 1/8 cup of distilled water. The soda will react with any ascorbic acid that hasn’t been encapsulated and create foam. A lot of foam means your mix is not very potent – not much vitamin C got encapsulated. Roughly speaking, 1/2” of foam equals 50% encapsulation, 3/8” is 60%, and 1/8” is 75%. Unfortunately, the source of this information didn’t mention the diameter of the cup. Clearly, this matters. Nonetheless, you can get a general sense of how potent your liposomal C is using this test. For this example, we’ll use an 85% encapsulation rate as the higher the encapsulation rate the more conservative the recommended dosage will be.

Absorption Rates

The absorption rates typically used are between 16-20% when ingested as a pill/powder and 80% when in liposomal form. For this example, we’ll use a 16% absorption rate as the lower the absorption rate the recommended dosage will be.


The real question is for a given amount of vitamin C, how much is absorbed when taken in pill/powder form compared to when in liposomal form. To answer this, I’ll continue to work with our example. We know there are 15 grams of vitamin C in our mix and that (0.85×15)= 12.75 grams are encapsulated. Out of the 12.75 grams, (0.8×12.75)= 10.2 grams will be absorbed. In addition, of the remaining (15-12.75)= 2.25 grams that didn’t get encapsulated, (0.16×2.25)= 0.36 grams will also be absorbed for a total of 10.56 grams. In comparison, if we were to simple ingest 15 grams in pill/powder form, only (0.16×15)= 2.4 grams would be absorbed. In other words, liposomal C is (10.56/2.4)= 4.4 times more potent than vitamin C in pill/powder form.

Adding It All Up

We’re now ready to tackle the question, how much liposomal C should I drink to get the equivalent of taking 30 grams in pill/powder form. Since the liposomal C in our example if 4.4 times stronger, we only need to drink the equivalent of (30/4.4)= 6.82 grams of our liposomal C mix to take in the equivalent of 30 grams of Vitamin C in pill or powder form. Remembering that there is 15 grams in a total volume of 33 tablespoons in our mix, we calculate that this equates to (6.82×33/15)= 15 tablespoons (slightly less than 1 cup) 😎

22 thoughts on “Liposomal Vitamin C

  1. Thanks! I’ve avoided LypoSpheric C because it contains alcohol and I have a yeast sensitivity. I tried Dr. Lam’s liposomal C, but had a reaction to it. In the meantime I have taken high levels of powdered C on and off for the last year, and love it.

    I will definitely give this a shot.

    • Thanks for the tip Brandon.
      Apparently the Swanson ascorbic acid I used in the video is made from GM (genetically modified) corn.
      Nutribiotics is more expensive but worth it. We just don’t understand the long-term health impacts of GM plants – but what’s being discovered is scary.
      I’ll definitely be switching to non-GMO vitamin C.

  2. Well, I had quite the experience with this.

    First, I ordered the larger ultrasonic cleaner. When I opened it, I felt like I had been hit with mold. I wasn’t positive it was the cleaner, but it ended up being defective, so I returned it (to Amazon) and they sent a replacement. Guess what? Got a mold hit from that one too (I intentionally opened it outside). I assume one of the facilities his moldy. I wiped it down with quat and was fine.

    I successfully made a batch. I’d been taking high dose C for a few weeks before hand. I took 8oz (my calculations = 15g C) lecithin-C on Friday night, then 8 + 8 more on Saturday. I felt fantastic on Saturday, despite feeling lightheaded and a little strange. Better than I had in quite a while. Lots of energy. Sunday was good, but not quite as good. And then on Monday, I spent most of the day in bed. Tuesday wasn’t much better. I didn’t feel sick, just had absolutely no energy. Each day I was continuing to take lecithin-C.

    I’m finally getting energy back today and I’m fairly certain I know what happened.

    Dr. Thomas Levy (“Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable” ) notes the following:

    A physiological effect of such a rapid administration of vitamin C appears to occasionally induce an acute hypoglycemia. Sylvest (1942) found that a majority of people given intravenous vitamin C showed a clear lowering of blood sugar. This effect is possibly due to a significant reflex release of insulin from the pancreas. Such a conclusion is directly supported by the work of Cheng et al. (1989), who found that vitamin C injected into rats “produced a dose-dependent and marked hypoglycaemic effect after intravenous injection.” They also found that the hypoglycemic effect was maximal at five minutes after injection, coinciding with an increase in the plasma insulin concentration. Vitamin C is a very similar molecule to glucose, and a rapid spike of vitamin C released into the blood likely can induce the same reflex insulin spike that is seen in a glucose tolerance test, where a large dose of glucose is given to evaluate how quickly and effectively one can restore glucose levels to normal by inducing insulin release. Clinically, this hypoglycemic effect has been the most notable in patients who are ingesting little food and drink, and in those patients who are generally sickest, as in advanced neurological conditions. In such patients just an infusion of vitamin C can cause hypoglycemia as well, not requiring the rapid IV push. Such patients may need a bolus of 50% glucose to rapidly reverse the low blood sugar, as it has been noted to occur even when the carrier IV fluid is 5% dextrose (sugar) in water. However, the IV push does seem to more reliably cause the hypoglycemic symptoms, which fits with the animal literature cited above.

    I’ve had a recent history of hypoglycemia problems caused by CIRS-induced adrenal fatigue (low cortisol). Cortisol creates some degree of insulin resistance, enough to slow the absorption. Low cortisol means no resistance, which means glucose is taken out of the blood too quickly, causing hypoglycemia (see Dr. Lam). Despite having a lot of energy on Saturday, I could tell something was off. In hindsight, it was hypoglycemia symptoms.

    I believe this process, combined with having energy and feeling well and therefore being more active, accelerated the glycogen depletion “crash and burn cycle” that Dr. Shoemaker refers to. The hypoglycemia tapped into my glycogen stores and I could barely get out of bed on Monday.

    It’s easy to understand almost intuitively why some chronically fatigued people have some “good” days among a string of “bad” ones: if they have some energy on a good day, most try to catch up on work they’ve postponed for so long because they felt bad, and they overdo it. The result: they’re wiped out for two to three days. The CFS case definition calls this delayed recovery “post-exertional malaise.” Malaise? No, they’re just out of fuel. They’ve burned up their glucose and their glycogen stores are zilch, and it takes a few days to replenish them. Once they restore glycogen, they enjoy a good day. So now it’s time to do the grocery shopping or maybe spend thirty minutes in the garden. Now what happens? Their glycogen is soon gone again and they’re down for a couple of days until their glycogen stores are replenished and they have a good day again, only to repeat the cycle and become exhausted again.

    When will CFS folks learn that a crash-and-burn cycle doesn’t work?”

    Shoemaker, Ritchie (2011-02-15). Surviving Mold :Life in the Era of Dangerous Buildings (Kindle Locations 1987-1993). Otter Bay Books. Kindle Edition.

    So, long story short, have you ever experienced anything similar?

    (btw, any way to turn on email notifications for comments?)

    • It’s great that you posted your results. It was very interesting to read about how it’s important to be careful when low blood sugar is an issue – others besides Dr. Levy gives this precaution. I would say another factor is that you may have ramped up too quickly. It’s important to work up slowly over the course of several days or more depending on a person’s health and the target amount. If you used the Neutriboitics vitamin C you mentioned, I calculated 1 cup (8 ounces) equates to roughly 30 grams of C in pill/powder form – see the new Math section I added to the Liposomal C blog.

      Building on your statement about crash-and-burn, Dr. Shoemaker says when there isn’t enough oxygen due to low VEGF or high TGF-beta 1, then you only get 2 ATP energy units compared to 38 ATP units from a unit of stored glycogen (sugar). As such, when moldy people “go for it” they chew threw their sugar stores because they can’t access fat stores (due to high leptin) and have such a poor glycogen conversion factor. Totally blows…

      To answer your question, I haven’t experienced crashing from liposomal C. I don’t have hypoglycemia issues. Also, I didn’t learn about liposomal C until after I’d recovered much of my health so maybe that matters too.

      (added WP plugin to get email Post notifications)

      • Thanks for adding the calculations. I’m going to give this another shot. Starting at 4oz in a day, but divided up throughout the day and with food

        “Totally blows…” I agree 🙂

        Thanks for the notification fix

  3. I can also report hypoglycemia issues (fatigue and characteristic depression of mood after first day or so) after trying this. A big thank you to Brandon for your experience — I knew what was happening to me as soon as it did! A true rarity in this illness I think

    In fact your post and Greg’s reminded me of something I too easily forgot: the impaired cellular respiration we live with. Since then I’ve been much more stable simply by minding my exercise limits and being consistent with my macronutrient intakes (Cronometer and it’s mobile app is great for tracking these!). This is esp. important for me bc I experience loss of appetite frequently, I guess due to high leptin, tho it’s not something I’ve tested

    I’d of course love to read more on how VEGF and TGF beta-1 decrease tissue oxygen. Any good links on these or really on any of the other CIRS biomarkers, Greg? Learning more about the biochemistry of CIRS def helps to calm my skepticism and keep my patience during treatment

    • Well, there’s Dr. Shoemaker’s books and DVDs. At the bottom of the blog What Is Biotoxin Illness, I’m adding any informative links that I find under “Other Good Summaries”.

      I totally relate to needing to calming skepticism and keeping patience.

      Here are all my notes on VEGF and TGF-beta 1.

      TGF-beta 1 (Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 normal range: <2380 pg/ml) – a polypeptide that causes cells to transform. TGF-beta 1 activates genes and turns on the production of TH-17 immune cells and T-regulatory cells that normally are responsible for stopping autoimmunity. In CIRS people, the T-regulatory cells are converted into pathogenic cells that then prompt even more TGF-beta 1. High levels of TGF-beta 1 damages the lungs by causing the bronchial tube lining in lungs to become tough fibroblasts (fibrosis) that then make it more difficult to breathe. This type of “remodeling” can lead to asthma like symptoms. Dr. Shoemaker says that 20% of all asthma is caused by mold exposure. High TGF-beta 1 also causes hair loss, nasal and vocal cord polyps, restrictive lung disease, and skin keratosis. According to Dr. Shoemaker’s work, fixing TGF-beta 1 will help clear up most autoimmune illnesses, lung symptoms, neurological problems, autoimmunity, tremors, seizures, learning disabilities, multiple sclerosis (MS) and transverse myelitis (TM) associated with biotoxin illness. TGF-beta 1 levels over 5,000 is cause for concern and levels over 10,000 practically guarantee lung, cognitive, tremor, and joint problems.

      VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor with normal range: 31-86 pg/mL) – High levels of cytokines binding to receptor sites result in endothelial cells releasing binders that then hold white blood cells in place at the receptor site. As a result, there is a narrowing of the small capillaries creating hypoperfusion and hypoxia. The body’s normal response to capillary hypoperfusion is to increase the levels of VEGF as VEGF signals to body to grow new capillaries and increase the delivery of oxygen. Unfortunately in CIRS patients, the biotoxins cause VEGF to be lowered even though white blood cells are chocking off small capillaries. When VEGF is low or TGF-beta 1 is high, people will not be getting enough oxygen into their bodies to support the complete conversion of glycogen (sugar) into ATP energy molecules. Instead of getting 38 ATP energy units for every unit of glycogen, people suffering from capillary hypoperfusion only make 2 ATP units of energy. In other words, 95% of the energy that was stored in the form of glycogen is wasted. Consequently, CIRS patients with poor oxygen delivery will quickly burn through their stores of glycogen and then begin burning protein (muscle wasting) – they never burn fat due to either high Leptin in heavier patients or a lack of fat in thinner, low Leptin patients. Consequently, CIRS folks will feel wiped out for a day or two following activity until their stores of glycogen are replaced. Also, they will produce more lactic acid due to the incomplete energy conversion of glycogen and get sore muscles with 60% of CIRS people having cramping that often leads to permanently curled toes or fingers. When VEGF is low and TGF-beta 1 is high, the person often suffers from shortness of breath. In a healthy person, hypoxia is sensed by regulatory cells that then turn on the production of Hypoxia-inducible Factor (HIF). Normally, higher levels of HIF lead to an increase in VEGF levels but in CIRS patients, high cytokine counts suppress VEGF. The effects of capillary hypoperfusion can be dramatically offset by improving the body’s ability to efficiently use the oxygen it has through a special exercise program. Start 5 minutes on a bicycle staying aerobic (avoid getting short of breath to ensure proper conversion of glucose to ATP) and work up to 15 minutes. Then add a second exercise like stomach crunches starting at 5 minutes and working up to 15 minutes. Continue adding exercises and increasing intensity. Note: Low VEGF reduces cancer risk because it reduces the flow of blood flow and consequently chocks off the sugar supply cancers need. Note: Dr. Paul Cheney talks about high lactate levels in the brains of chronic fatigue patients and how a Harvard study wherein lactate was injected in studies reliably created panic attacks. This is because lactate is an indication that the brain isn’t getting enough oxygen and psyche responds to this subconscious stress.

    • Every week I give up trying to track symptoms, but that doesn’t last long 🙂

      I’m going to keep trying the liposomal C, but when I tried a second time I experienced more hypoglycemia problems. However, I also found out that MCT oil can likewise cause hypoglycemia. I usually have a little over a tablespoon per day, but I recently made some Bulletproof Salad dressing so I was eating more throughout the day and within 2 days starting getting hypoglycemic symptoms (I was trying the lip C at the same time). So I’ve cut out MCT and will try lip C again when I stabilize.

      Here’s info on MCT

      Of course another difficulty with the hypoglycemia is amylose. It’s a balancing act trying to get enough glucose throughout the day, yet avoiding the inflammatory amylose. Amylose content is inversely related to GI index. You’re supposed to avoid high-GI foods when dealing with low cortisol induced hypoglycemia because it will spike insulin and then cause a crash (see Dr. Lam book on Adrenal Fatigue for great info on this process). So I’ve settled on butternut squash muffins throughout the day. Butternut squash doesn’t have any amylose and the Namaste gluten-free flour is made primarily of sweet rice, which is low amylose. Throw some ghee on there and it slows the release of glucose. So that seems to be working well.

      • Here’s the recipe

        3 cups Namaste Gluten-free baking flour; or
        [2 1/4 cups brown rice flour (or white rice flour)
        1/2 cup tapioca flour
        1 1/2 teaspoons xanthan gum]

        less than 1/4 cup whole cane sugar (can be omitted)
        2 teaspoons baking powder
        1 teaspoon baking soda
        1-2 teaspoons cinnamon (double if no other spices)
        1/2 teaspoon sea salt

        following spices optional:
        [1 teaspoon ground ginger
        1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
        1/4 teaspoon nutmeg]

        2 1/4 cups pureed butternut squash
        1/4 cup water (only if needed)
        1/3 cup melted coconut oil or butter or ghee
        2 teaspoons vanilla

        1. 400 degrees. Oil muffin tin.
        2. Large bowl combine the brown rice flour, tapioca flour, sugar, baking powder, xanthan gum, baking soda, spices, and salt. Mix well.
        3. Place sweet potato puree in a small bowl and whisk it together with water, melted coconut oil, and vanilla. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and gently mix. Add the water if your batter seems too dry.
        4. Bake for about 20-25 minutes in a muffin tin.

  4. Greg, do you think this method can be used to make liposomal turmeric extracts? Meaning, something along the lines of Meriva (which I think is a lipsomal curcumin)? I’ve noticed posts about making liposomal glutathione, and wondered if the same thing might work with turmeric.

    On our doctor’s recommendation, my husband (also moldy) was taking that Meriva brand curcumin, but he never felt any different. I took plain turmeric, but also didn’t notice an effect. Plus since one must take such a large dosage (of plain turmeric) for it to be effective, it’s hard to stay committed to while not experiencing an effect.

    Thanks for the above post. Reading it just reminds me how darn smart you are! Seriously. Thanks for helping the rest of us out with these calculations and such. Also, did you ever think of putting up something like a paypal link for donations? I’m sure there are a lot of people who would be interested in helping keep this site live. We really appreciate your dedication.

    • The Meriva product sure looks like liposomal turmeric – turmeric wrapped in Phosphatidyl Choline (PC). Like you, I’ve seen videos on making liposomal glutathione but I’m not sure if it would work for turmeric. I think it would depend on if you could get the turmeric to completely dissolve in water. I’ve never tried it.

      For a point of reference, when I spoke with Dave Asprey, he recommended NewMark – Turmeric FSE. It does not have “bioperine” which is a black pepper extract that can be a problem. When experiencing a mold hit, it was suggested taking up to six of these capsules in a day. Lately, I’m into making my own pills with Gelatin Capsules and a Capsule Filler Machine. It’s a big savings.

      According to my math, one FSE capsule is equivalent to 2.5 size 0 capsules of organic turmeric powder and this works out to about a gram of turmeric. The typical recommendations are for between 1-2 grams. In other words, when treating a mold hit, you would be taking the equivalent of up to 6 grams of turmeric in a day. I take between a half and one gram regularly before bedtime daily to help with sleep.

      Thanks for the encouragment. I wouldn’t say I’m smart as much as I’m tenacious. By the way, I added a note to the bottom of pages for folks that are so inspired to send me a Amazon gift card to help keep this site alive.

      • Thanks for the input. That makes sense – I forgot about the dissolving issue. Hmmm. I’ll have to look up the constituents of turmeric, and see which are water soluble, fat soluble, etc. I’m going to give liposomal stuff a try with C, glutathione, and see what I can do with the turmeric. Thank you so much for making this accessible for people.

        BTW, as far as reduced glutathione goes, I’ve found that Ecological Formulas seems to have the best price for the powder. They also have a Vitamin C made form tapioca (cassava). They seem to be a good company making clean products.

        Excellent idea with the Amazon gift card. Let’s all help keep this site going! It’s the most clear, understandable resource available. Thank you, Greg.

    • Hi Greg,

      Today I’m making liposomal vitamin C for the first time. We’re using the Nutribiotic Vit C, Lethikos organic sunflower lecithin (unfortunately, it’s only liquid for the organic one – slow as molasses), and this ultrasonic cleaner.

      I got that one because it had settings for 5 minute intervals up to 30 minutes, and the price was good. However, it makes an insanely irritating noise when stirring the solution. It’s very high-pitched, piercing sound! Does yours do this?

      Also, second question – does it have to be distilled water? We didn’t have any, just using our well water, hoping it turns out okay.

      This is kinda fun, except for the sound. It looks like it’s working, milky white with the foam going down at 15 minutes and only 2 stirs, I just checked it again, and I don’t find any clumping. I will use the encapsulation test to check it once it’s done. I feel like I’m in chemistry again. 🙂

      • Argh. Just tested the stuff. It’s foaming like crazy – several inches of foam. And it was clumpy – it didn’t look that way when it came out of the machine, but then as it sat, it clumped kind of like when you pour slightly soured milk into coffee. I guess I will have to get some earplugs and stir it more?

        Ahh, one more thing I did differently. For the first part of the process, I couldn’t blend it on low – only high. One speed blender.

        Thanks for all the info in your tutorial. Try, try again…

        • Regarding clumping, I see that many recommend letting the lecithin sit for at least an hour in water before blending. It’s supposed to have the texture of a very thin custard. I’ve never done this. Instead, I just used warm water and intermittently blended on low over about a 5 minute period until I couldn’t see any lecithin granules. It’s also probably a good idea to mix often in the ultrasonic cleaner too. I’ve also found that clumping can be caused by leaving the plastic spoon in the ultrasonic cleaner, not taking the time to wait and blend, using water that is too hot, or using ascorbic acid with calcium or some other buffering agent.

          I actually made a batch yesterday that had a lot of settling even though I did it my usual way?! I’ve changed some variables and I’m making another batch today. One thing I did was to blend the mixture in the ultrasound after noticing some clumping about 10 minutes in the ultrasound.

          Yesterday was the first time I did the baking soda test. My liposomal C foamed a lot too. I attributed it to all the settling but we’ll see. If you do the test on dissolved C in water, it foams like crazy and really fast. If you taste the C after the foaming stops (about 5 seconds), the liquid is no longer tart. In the past, I’ve comparatively tasted the dissolved C in water only against finished liposomal C and the later is a lot less tart which seems to indicate that much of the C was encapsulated.

          I’ll let you know what I find out.

        • OK, I used a clean blender pitcher (not my green smoothie pitcher with mineral deposits) and tried blending the liposomal mixture a bit after it was in the ultrasonic cleaner. I got even more clumping. It also foamed a lot when tested with baking soda. I’m now thinking that since I haven’t made any lipo C lately, that my half used container of non-GMO soy lecithin has become partially hydrated from being exposed to the air.

          I’ve got another batch of these lecithin granules soaking (3 tablespoons of lecithin in 1 cup of warm distilled water). I’ll try blending in the dissolved C and running the mix through the ultrasound in a couple of hours. We’ll see…

        • Success! I let the lecithin soak a couple of hours before blending a couple minutes on low and then added in the water with dissolved C. There wasn’t any clumping and the mixture was thicker compared to the last two batches with clumps. It’s less tart too. Still bubbles a lot when testing with baking soda but I’m wondering if we’re supposed to let it bubble off and then measure the remaining layer of foam? Who knows, the fact that the liposomal C is so much less tart combined with lots of antidotal evidence is good enough for me.

          Regarding your questions, everyone says to use distilled water and yes, that squealing noise is irritating.

          • Ahhh… your posts are very helpful. Going through it, I was trying to figure out all the variables… I realized that since I’m using liquid sunflower lecithin -that might actually add more water, right. Or is it more fat? I guess I better do some label comparisons. That could have affected it, too. I did notice that some people online use the liquid, so it doesn’t seem like that should be the problem in itself, but I forgot to look up the volume calculation for liquid lecithin…

            Thanks for explaining your experiences; it’s helpful to keep me trying until I get it right!

            • I’ve varied the water quite a bit between 1/2 cup of distilled water per tablespoon of Vitamin C and 1 cup without any difference in terms of clumping. However, according to Natural Herbal Farmacy, you should use 1.5 ounces (a shot glass) of liquid lecithin per cup of distilled water. No soaking is required. Just blend on low for 2-3 minutes.

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