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Window Flowers

Windows-Doors & Mold
In this article, I’m going to be looking at windows and doors in relation to mold. More specifically, I’m going to discuss how to install windows and doors properly coming from the perspective of a former building contractor who has spent a lot of time studying what it means to build a quality home. Along the way, I’ll point out common errors builders make that lead to water intrusion and subsequent mold growth. Quite often builders and inspectors fail to build homes that will remain water tight beyond the first few years of their lives. Later, I’ll look at why regular window cleaning is important to those with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). May 27, 2016

Nystatin Supplies

Nasal Antifungals
I decided to look into the controversy around the use of antifungal nasal sprays in this article. If you read MARCoNS – Fungal Colonization, you know that Dr. Brewer and Dr. Nathan are suggesting that using an antifungal nasal spray is a way to treat mold toxins (mycotoxins). More specifically, they suggest that some fungi in the nose produce mycotoxins and that treatment with an antifungal nasal spray lowers mold toxin levels in the urine – as measured by RealTime labs.

As I’ll show, the significance of of Dr. Brewer’s work and the urine mycotoxin test from RealTime labs is limited. Neither come close to showing nasal fungi create toxins that impair health. Don’t get me wrong. I do believe a trial of a nasal antifungal makes sense for some chronically ill individuals. However, when you look at the data, there is no connection between antifungal nasal spray and treating nose mold, RealTime lab mycotoxin levels, and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

Hopefully this article will put to rest the suggestion by some that RealTime testing can be used to determine if a person suffers from mold toxicity and indicates the presence of nasal fungi. It does not. Reading your daily horoscope is about as accurate as RealTime testing for these purposes. In this article, I’m going to cover the different sides on the topic of nasal antifungals, discuss how biotoxins enter the brain, and describe how to make your own high-quality antifungal nasal spray. March 31, 2016

Foundation Wall

Foundations & Mold
In this article, I give lots of examples of where to find mold in basements, crawl spaces, and on poured concrete slabs. However, no list can ever be all inclusive. Consequently, I’ve decided to also teach people about why mold forms in relation to concrete foundations as a result of moisture movement and temperature differences. With this understanding, the reader is empowered to look at their own particular situation and uncover those places where mold is most likely to take root. Along the way, we get into plenty of construction details for those thinking of building new and also touch on mold remediation a bit. February 22, 2016

Furnace Labeled

Having clean ductwork is essential to good health. Unfortunately, most people don’t give clean ductwork the attention it deserves. For those that suffer from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), making sure the air is relatively free of the numerous types of biotoxins produced by mold is critical. If a building has had some level of water damage, these biotoxins invariably have been deposited inside the ductwork. Clearly, for those with CIRS, this source of biotoxins must be remediated for the home to be livable. Even for those for whom CIRS isn’t an issue and haven’t had a water issue in their homes, I contend that regularly cleaning the ductwork is also important to good health. In this article, I’m going explain why clean ductwork is important for good health and how to properly clean it. January 6, 2016

Stop Signs

Blocked Detox
After listening to the AutismOne lecture by Chris Shade, I was excited about continuing the work on detoxification covered in GSH Detox Protocol. In particular, Chris mentions a novel approach to helping folks that are just really sensitive – have bad reactions to most treatments. Given that I know a few people like this along with being somewhat sensitive myself, it was an interesting journey to dig in a bit on the suggestions he offered. What follows are some insightful and helpful suggestions along with supportive documentation and recommended dosages for people that struggle taking on board supplements of any type. October 26, 2015

Detox Supplements

GSH Detox Protocol
This article is a continuation of AGA – Diet – Detox. For many with chronic illnesses like Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), the ability to eliminate toxins from the body has been compromised. In the case of CIRS, intestinal inflammation resulting from a weakened gut lining dampens down all three Phases of detoxification to a trickle. On top of that, add in heavy metals from materials like mercury fillings and lead paint along with a list of chemicals in everything from soaps to the foods we eat. In response to this onslaught, our bodies valiantly try to eliminate what they can and tuck away the rest of it in fat, bones, and elsewhere in an attempt to minimize the damage. Unfortunately for many, its not enough and our health suffers. In this article, I describe in detail the gentle detoxification program I’ve come up for myself that includes everything from supplement details to directions on how to make a better Liposomal Vitamin C and Liposomal Glutathione (GSH). The end result is an actionable plan that is both cost effective and straightforward. July 28, 2015

Laundry Mat

Large Appliances & Mold
Anyone that owns a washing machine has been told to wipe it down and leave the door open after use to prevent mold growth. In spite of these recommendations, there have been quite a few lawsuits related to mold and front-loading washing machines lately. For those that suffer from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), mold is serious business. Even for healthy individuals, preventing toxic mold exposures reduces the overall body burden. This article strives to answer three questions related to clothes washers, clothes dryers, refrigerators, and dishwashers. First, do any of these appliances get moldy and why? Second, how should each of these appliances be maintained to prevent mold growth? And third, how should each of these appliances be cleaned if they’ve been exposed to mold. June 1, 2015

Deck Mold - Overview

Decks, Gazebos, Porches, Stoops & Mold
Dr. Shoemaker, the leading expert in Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) says that outdoor mold isn’t a problem for people that are no longer able to clear biotoxins produced by mold and bacteria. In this article, I discuss a recent experience that proves this wrong. While sunny myself outside one day, I unwittingly inhaled biotoxins from mold. It took days to clear the brain fog, anxiety, and fatigue that followed. With a little sleuthing and using microscopy, I was able to quickly find this mold source and determine if some of the mycotoxins that made me sick were also getting into my house. Read about this process, as well as, how I went about remediating this surprising toxic mold source. May 23, 2015