Cavitations Revisited

Mercury Fillings

As in the “extras-only” DVD package “The Matrix Revisited”, this article will serve to provide some behind the scene accounting of my dental saga particularly as it relates to mental health and cavitations. Before diving in, and for those of you that haven’t read my other dental articles, a cavitation in dentistry is when a portion of the jaw bone dies – becomes “necrotic”. While conventional medicine would have you believe that dead pockets of bone in the jaw are rare, only occurring in individuals that have been given the drugs bisphosphonates and denosumab to treat bone cancer, the plethora of first-hand accounts by dentists that treat these often grossly infected areas says otherwise. From their first-hand accounting, festering, puss lined, pockets in the jawbone are extremely common in our modern world. I believe that this is at least in part due to exposure to heavy metals including the phenomenally high levels of mercury found in “silver fillings”. The fact that some dentists today still fill teeth with this toxic mix, including in our children, is criminal.

Along these lines, it is a well known fact among cavitations specialists that the sites of improperly extracted teeth, wherein the socket isn’t cleaned of the periodontal ligament, along with root-canaled teeth are havens for some of the nastiest bacteria known to man. The terribly misguided belief that a little disinfectant along with a rubber plug (gutta-percha) is going to prevent the miles of microscopic tubules, that form the natural lattice work within a tooth, are going to prevent root canaled teeth from becoming infected is ludicrous. In my own experience, one needn’t look any further than the DNA Connextions report that was done of bacterium found in one of the cavitated root-canaled sockets I had cleaned out. Out of the 8 toxic bacteria that were tested for, 6 of them where at “serious risk” levels with the other two at a level of “moderate risk”.

For those of you still on the fence regarding the wisdom of leaving dead body parts (root canaled teeth) within a living being, I would politely suggest you consider looking over the work of Dr. Weston Price and see for yourself. Come to see through the ruse put out by money interests that try to suggest that the head of the then National Dental Association, Dr. Price, was incapable of doing good scientific work. That Dr. Price’s findings, regarding the importance of diet and the toxicity of root canals, is just a bunch of nonsense. It’s not nonsense; it’s the truth.

OK, so with that super brief recap of root canals and cavitations, what I’d like to do for the remainder of this article is a telling of my youth as it relates to my mental health, the dentistry performed on me, and other toxic exposures. In part, I’m doing this as a cautionary tale of woe and as a way of making the connection between toxicity and behavior. In Dental Health, I’ve already done a decent job of relaying the various ways dentistry inflicts harm and how to avoid it. However, what sort of welded up in me the other day was the compulsion to make a personal accounting of how I believe hap hazardous dentistry along with other toxic exposures have affected my mental health. Hopefully others may find bits that they can relate to within their own history. In the second half of the article, I share the latest results of my most recent cavitation work along with a few related insights. Let’s get started.

Toxicity Tale of Woe

Typewriter - Tale of Woe

My spiral down into poor dental health began at an early age. Although we five kids were spared from the insult of dining out at fast food restaurants, my parents couldn’t afford such a luxury with my Dad working as a teacher and my Mom staying at home, our family fully embraced breakfast cereals. The usual for me before rushing off to school was a couple bowels of Frosty Flakes each with a few heaping tablespoons of sugar

As we now know, modern grains and sugars are additive and health damaging. When I reflect on the eating habits of my family, it’s clear that sugar is one of our Achilles heals and that it’s generational. I remember when we would visit our grandparents on a monthly basis as kids. Grandma would always send Grandpa out for a few big boxes of sugary pastries for breakfast the following morning of our weekend stay. We would all sit down in glee and gobble up those white demons before nodding off for a mid-morning nap.

Today, the lure of next sugar hit is still strong in spite of all the radical changes in my diet – no dairy, no grains, and very limited sugars. I understand why my sister has shifted to drinking “diet” sodas with abandon and my brother can’t stay away from breads. The hit from sugar and bread is addictive. Based upon the contents of shoppers standing in line the supermarket, this is the case for many, many of us.

It’s hard not to notice that when I eat any food with the slightest amount of sugar I become possessed. It takes constant vigilance to keep myself from starting to consume everything in sight in order to satisfy the awoken dragon, the drive to consume enough sugar for that all too familiar hit on the dopamine receptors of my brain. Ah, it’s such a sweet high – pun intended. Sugar and grains are wicked in their concentrated forms and destroy health.

Given my past sugar indulgence combined the “drill baby drill” dentistry of the 60’s, wherein even the slightest hint of dental decay merited huge amounts of the tooth being removed and filled, it should come as no surprise that by the time I was a teenager, I had a mouth full of mercury fillings. And by that I mean that more than half of my 32 teeth, I kept my wisdom teeth, were loaded up with the toxic heavy metal slew that willfully negligent dentistry calls “silver fillings”. Given this mouthful of mercury, the metal that was responsible for hatters of bygone days going mad, it’s no wonder that I was a very moody kid.

Combine the mountain of mercury sitting next to my brain along with what I’ve written about mold and it should come as no surprise that as a teenager when I moved down into the basement in a poorly constructed bedroom, no doubt full of mold, that life seemed all so much more intense. I remember perceiving the actions of authoritarian figures as flagrant abuses of power on every level. Granted, opposing authority is a common theme for kids growing up. However, for me it was intense enough that I literally stopped talking for several months because I’d had enough of engaging with others.

In addition, my mood was hard to manage and I was prone to outbursts of rage. I broke bones in my hands twice punching hard inanimate object in fits of fury – once wasn’t enough. Given my temperament, thank goodness I was into motorcycles instead of cars. With motorcycles, at least I wasn’t putting any passengers at risk. I’d push the bike so hard through curves that the suspension would overload and the bike would start shimmying strongly as I hung on for dear life throttle wide open. Poor diet and dentistry were already taking their toll.

Still, we had a strong family, nightly home cooked meals, and were encourage to excel. This along with a natural intellectual talent, meant by the time I was in college there was still enough potential available such that coursework was a breeze. I used to love going to calculus lectures and the like. The professor would fill chalkboard after chalkboard with methodology and equations until the large auditorium size stage, with boards stacked three layers high, were filled.

I never took notes. I just “listened” and when I did, I could “feel” what he was saying and understood. Mind you, I’m not trying to brag here as we’re all endowed with pure purpose that is myriad in composition and divine in nature, it’s just that my talent happen to be being “brainy” with a bent toward mathematics. My point is that given my own experience, I wonder how many children today are only running at a fraction of their full potential due to toxins. What could I and countless others have achieved if our brains weren’t borderline delirious from toxic metals?

Although coursework was relatively easy, my college days were far from a “tiptoe through the tulips”. Even then, noise was a problem for me and I was something of an introvert. While my dorm roommates would loudly go about with their antics and party late into the night, I remained barricaded away in my room outraged by my inconsiderate housemates. Later, I’d be so incensed that I’d end up taking my grievances all the way to the housing authority in order to drive home the point to fellow classmates that their perceived “right” to make noise at all hours of the night was not on equal footing to my need for 8 hours of sleep.

I was a really serious kid back then and it’s only after decades of meditation along with Life having it’s way with me that I’ve started to lighten up a bit. Hmm, huddling away and seeing the world as mostly threatening, I now see these mindsets more as the effects of toxins in my body than anything else.

A couple years later as an upper class-man, I’d made my way into some of the more sought-after housing on campus near the lake. These were old buildings, near water, and buried under a canopy of old-growth trees. Picturesque really until viewed from the perspective of mold. From that perspective, it seems highly likely that these buildings were steeping in a moldy stew. I say this because when I was in those buildings, I started self cutting.

It was a bizarre state of mind that led me to carving tracks in my body. It felt like I was trying to break free from indifference along with being a call for help. At the same time, it was a sort of show of strength and conviction, the sort of societal qualities I found lacking and preventing the world from being a safer and happier place. By that time in my life, clearly my world was already unsafe from a health perspective and I believe it seeped unconsciously into my mental processes and behavior.

My body was already under heavy attack physically and internalizing these hidden attacks was the outcome. I did not have the insight to connect behavior with toxicity. Not surprisingly, I did not finish college my first go-around because I couldn’t imagine any societal benefit to an engineering degree. It didn’t seem to have any “heart” to me.

Fast forward about a decade and you’ll find me happily married and making a decent living working in a foundry. In particular, I was lucky enough to get one of the two positions with a large manufacturer mixing up experimental batches of iron and pouring prototype parts. My supervisor and I ran the whole show in our mini-foundry within a foundry.

I remember each morning showing up for work and turning on the induction furnace that would literally scream at a high pitch as it heated our iron batches to over 2,000F through the use of powerful magnetic fields. This in combination with all the toxic heavy metals that would belch up as we’d “tap out” our 200 pound furnace near the end of the day made for a exceptionally toxic environment. When that liquid iron hit the magnesium packed at the bottom of yellow hot pouring ladles, the room would be briefly lit with a flash of white light as the magnesium ignited. This was followed by the iron bubbling profusely as the magnesium burned buried under the 100 pounds of iron we’d quickly poured on top. We never wore masks. The only health factors in my favor were the facts that I sweat copiously and physically worked hard on the job.

Having just read over what I’ve written to this point, I’m reminded of additional health insults that included the many days helping my Dad removing layers of finish from old furniture he’d bought and was refurbishing for use in our home. We used paint stripper and steel wool – sans gloves. On top of this, I was forever tinkering on anything mechanical. Tearing apart engines and transmissions, spray painting, body work, and the like went on from my teenage years to my 40’s. Once again, this was all done without any sort of protection. I remember one particular incident when I was cleaning a 4-barrel carburetor in a bath of really strong cleaner bare handed. It was enough to make me physically sick for the next couple of days. Yeah, I know; I was clueless.

In articles like Undermethylation vs. Overmethylation and Causes of Undermethylation, heavy metals and chemical exposure are linked to improper methylation. Given this, it should come as no surprise that I exhibited tendencies toward being a loner, self-cutting, depression, being strong willed, and suffered from sleep paralysis along with having restless legs. On top of this, add mold exposures that continued on-and-off until my early 50’s and it’s no wonder that I had brutal nightmares several times a week. For decades, I was attacked by all manner of demons that would hunt me down and kill me in my sleep that typically culminated in my waking up screaming. Although I developed a considerable amount of skill in working with these nightmares over the decades, they never went away until after being treated for mold using Dr. Shoemaker’s protocol.

And so it is that with this understanding between toxicity and behavior that I see my Dad’s actions in a completely different light nowadays. Although a very intelligent and insightful person, my Dad was quick to anger. If a stoplight changed before he was able to get through, there were always choice words. If I defiantly acted up, there was a hard-hitting reprimand coming my way. Given what I know now, it’s surprising to me that he managed as well as he did. Having lived the types of health issues he most certainly was suffering from, I now understand.

Although he was never tested for CIRS, I know from HLA-DR testing of myself and siblings that he had CIRS genes. He certainly exhibited many of the behaviors. When he passed quietly sitting in the living room and staying close to God, the ceiling fan ran above to help him “get enough air”. He died fully awake to the entire process recounting just before passing that his hands were cold and his tongue was numb. From a Buddhist perspective, to die fully awake is very auspicious, a sign of a life well lived. I have to believe that all the trials and tribulations related to his health, raising us five kids, along with all the award-winning works he did over his lifetime as an elementary school principal led him to this auspicious ending. He was an artist in heart, a loving father, and insightful educator. Rest well Dad.

So I think maybe this is enough of a recounting of life events as they relate to toxicity and behavior. Initially, I really felt the pull to make the connection between my own mental health and toxicity. In re-reading what I’ve written, it’s a bit disjointed and way too telling for my taste – along with running the risk of appearing self-serving if I continue much further. As such, I figure there are enough examples to get folks started with their own reflections between behavior and toxicity. For the most part, when I now see someone acting “weird”, all I see is toxicity. There are no “bad” people, only people with imbalances caused by the interaction of their genome with poor diets and toxins.

Links Compliments of Caleb at Toxic Mould Support Australia

Cavitations – Re-Infection

MARCoNS Report

As those of you that have read some of my articles on MARCoNS know, I’ve successfully treated MARCoNS using BEG spray, ozone, iodine, and the probiotic Lactobacillus sakei. And when I say “successfully”, I mean that a few weeks after stopping treatment, a nasal swab sent to MicrobiologyDX would come back negative. The absolutely frustrating part is that within a few months of eradicating this health devastating bacterium, essentially the same antibiotic resistant profile of staph would return.

In other words, and unlike cases where folks get re-infected by exposure to novel sources wherein the new set of MARCoNS were resistant to a different set of antibiotics, the MARCoNS that keep showing up in my sinuses appear to be essentially the same strain. If you look at the profile of antibiotic resistance in 2011 through 2019, there is a lot of similarity. Out of the antibiotics that were included in all of the tests, below is the list of those that showed some level of resistance over the years. All the other antibiotics showed no resistance or were not included in all tests. Note: For each positive test listed, I have another showing I’d cleared MARCoNS before re-infection.

When I look at these tests, what I see is a bacterium that is resistance to Clindamycin, Erythromycin, and Penicillin-G that may also be developing a resistance to Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin. Tetracycline is the “odd man out” but I’m guessing there are a number of reasons for this including variability in test accuracy. While some CIRS doctors purport that the reason most folks keep getting re-infected is due to exposure to new sources (MARCoNS easily spread through touch), my testing suggests otherwise.

2011: Ciprofloxacin (S), Clindamycin (R), Erythromycin (R), Levofloxacin (S), Penicillin-G (R), Tetracycline (R)
2014: Ciprofloxacin (S), Clindamycin (I), Erythromycin (S), Levofloxacin (S), Penicillin-G (R), Tetracycline (S)
2015: Ciprofloxacin (S), Clindamycin (X), Erythromycin (X), Levofloxacin (S), Penicillin-G (X), Tetracycline (S)
2016: Ciprofloxacin (S), Clindamycin (R), Erythromycin (R), Levofloxacin (S), Penicillin-G (R), Tetracycline (S)
2017: Ciprofloxacin (S), Clindamycin (R), Erythromycin (R), Levofloxacin (S), Penicillin-G (R), Tetracycline (S)
2018: Ciprofloxacin (S), Clindamycin (R), Erythromycin (R), Levofloxacin (S), Penicillin-G (R), Tetracycline (R)
2019: Ciprofloxacin (I), Clindamycin (R), Erythromycin (S), Levofloxacin (I), Penicillin-G (R), Tetracycline (S)
(R – resistant, I – intermediate resistance, S – susceptible, X – not included in testing)

In other words, just because there is some variability in the profiles over the years, I do not think this means that I’m dealing with different strains. I say this not only because I’m very careful about hygiene and the fact that no testing is perfect, but also because I had one of my infected root-canaled sockets cultured and the profile was essentially the same. As such, my estimation is that I’ve been dealing with the same damn bacterium for the last eight years!

Socket: Ciprofloxacin (I), Clindamycin (R), Erythromycin (R), Levofloxacin (S), Penicillin-G (R), Tetracycline (S)

By the way, no testing was done in 2012 and 2013 as I was in the throws of finding the hidden mold source in my house followed by the arduous task of cleaning everything up. At that time, the understanding by Dr. Shoemaker was that there wasn’t much point in treating beyond MARCoNS while still being exposed to mold so my focus was on creating a clean living space.

Mind you, the impact of MARCoNS is far reaching. The “tip of the iceberg” of their effect includes a lowering of MSH and all the ensuing pain and sleepless nights that follows, hormonal imbalances resulting in mood swings and leaky gut, along with lower cortisol levels followed by adrenal fatigue. Essentially, they wreck havoc on your entire body. There was a reason why Dr. Shoemaker refused to treat patients further while they still had MARCoNS. He’d learned that the imbalances addressed in the following steps of his protocol would not resolve when MARCoNS were present.

This approach makes sense when it’s simply a matter of waiting a couple of months to treat MARCoNS using BEG spray or some other therapy. However, in individuals that keep getting re-infected, my belief is that treating other imbalances may help with clearing MARCoNS. Even if this isn’t the case, the patient may realize some level of relief in what can be a brutal illness while the driver behind re-infection is investigated. Given all of this, my cautionary word to CIRS doctors is that just because there is some variability in the antibiotic profile, this does not necessarily mean the patient can’t somehow manage to stop rubbing their nose after grabbing onto the handles of shopping carts, getting “kisses” by their pet dog, or something similar.

Likewise, I would encourage folks that keep getting re-infected with MARCoNS to consider hidden pockets of infection in their jawbones (cavitations) that are seeping out and re-infecting the sinuses. To the degree that a person has had teeth extracted, teeth root-canaled, mercury fillings, grinds their teeth while sleeping, or any number of other insults to the dental structure including administration of anesthetic, I would encourage them to go see a dentist that specializes in cavitations – see Jawbone Cavitations. There is a reason that MARCoNS can’t be cleared in a subset of CIRS individuals. What follows will give substance to my suggestion that it is often festering pockets in the jawbone filled lined with rotting puss that acts as a perpetual source of MARCoNS and re-infection.

Given this hypothesis, you can see why I strongly suggest using the probiotic Lactobacillus sakei for those that can’t keep MARCoNS away – see MARCoNS – Probiotics. For starters, I’ve found that Lactobacillus sakei can indeed clear MARCoNS. However, just as important, my feeling is that if MARCoNS can find their way out of entombed pockets of seething mush in the jaw, then maybe this helpful bacterium can also find its way into these pockets and thereby help in preventing re-infection. Mind you, I’m absolutely not saying that I think Lactobacillus sakei can clear cavitations, but using it proactively until the issue of cavitation has been addressed makes sense for those that can’t seem to stay clear of MARCoNS.

I’ll end this bit on MARCoNS, cavitations, and CIRS with an observation. I’m one of five kids. Including my parents, we all have CIRS genes. In the later years of life, all of us have suffered psychologically from CIRS except two sisters. One is still too young; CIRS doesn’t tend to take its toll until later on in our family. The other sister never had any dental work other than having her wisdom teeth removed. Given this and what I’ve just discussed, I wonder sometimes if maybe it isn’t the toxic mercury fillings that are behind the difference.

Amalgam Tattoo

Certainly, we know that the metals in mercury fillings migrate. Amalgam tattoos on the gums around these fillings is evidence of this. It’s also well known that heavy metals like lead are sequestered in bone and that a “high level of mercury can often be found around the ends of the roots of teeth that have amalgam cores“. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a study is someday done that finds that people with mercury fillings have more and bigger cavitations.

Finding Cavitations

3D Cone Scan

It appears that the current understanding by many CIRS doctors is that a Galileos 3D cone scan is fairly good at finding cavitations while conventional or panoramic x-rays have very limited value in this regard. My experience says otherwise. Specifically, I don’t believe that there is any technology readily available today that is capable of detecting cavitations with any degree of certainty. In other words, dentists who are finding cavitations, using 3D cone scans or otherwise, are quite likely only finding a very small fraction of all the cavitations that exist. In addition and given what I’ve seen, I also believe their method for interpreting scans/x-rays is highly subjective and variable. Here’s why I believe this to be true.

First, at a point after having several botched root-canaled teeth extracted, along with the suggestion that cavitations can harbor MARCoNS by Dr. Shoemaker and Dr. Ackerley, I set about looking for a dentist that specialized in cavitations (osteonecrosis). During that process, I submitted a Galileos 3D cone scan of my upper jaw to three different specialists and followed up with a consultation. None of the dentists could say with any degree of certainty that the cone scan showed signs of infection/cavitation at the root canaled sites in my upper jaw. Of course, given their expertise, they were all highly suspicious of my having an infection given my perpetual sinus issues, poor health, and the fact that the sockets were not well-cleaned when the teeth were extracted. Factors like these along with their years of experience told them that it was quite likely that my extracted root canaled sockets were infected/cavitated. Still, the cone scan alone was inconclusive. Later cavitation work revealed large cavitations at each site.

The second reason why I believe no technology exists for finding cavitations is that for all the dentists I’ve seen over my life, for all of the conventional x-rays, panoramic x-rays, and multiple 3D cone scans, no dentist, except Dr. Paul Gallo, has ever even hinted at the fact that my maxillary tuberosities were cavitated. And yet, the tuberosity on both sides of my upper jaw were found to be badly cavitated in my latest visit with Dr. Gallo – more below. This is the volume of jawbone behind the wisdom teeth. In my case, it was only after returning to Dr. Gallo and working with him a second time, after he’d cleaned out three root-canaled sites two years prior, that the topic of larger tuberosities often being a hidden location for cavitation was raised.

3D Cone Scan of my upper jaw doesn’t show cavitations at the three extracted teeth or tuberosities.

What happened was that during my first round of cavitation work, both he and I were focused on clearing my root-canaled sites. And as it turns out, this was the right focus. Each of the three sites that had teeth removed years prior were found to be infected when opened. Part of the deliberation prior to surgery included the fact that one of the sites became so badly infected shortly after the extraction that lingering pain compelled me to find a biological dentist to re-open the site. That dentist found a dime-sized cavitation! This combined with Dr. Gallo’s decades of experience that told him nearly everyone (he likes to say 99.9%) with root canals has cavitations, caused us to focus on these extraction sites that previously had root canaled teeth. In Cavitations – NeuroQuant – And More, I discuss that experience with Dr. Gallo wherein each of the extraction sites were found to contain a cavitation the size of a “jelly bean” (1 cm3).

The third reason I believe that the technology doesn’t exist for reliably finding jawbone cavitations is that there doesn’t appear to be any literature to back up this claim. In other words, I can not find any literature wherein medical professionals using 3D cone scans are claiming to find cavitations to any degree that reflects the real world experience of cavitation experts like Dr. Gallo. It’s common knowledge among these experts that a very high percentage of root canaled teeth and extraction sites are cavitated. This includes all the wisdom teeth that have been pulled since the advent of the modern diet and subsequent narrowing of dental arches (see Do I Have A Sleep Disorder). That’s an incredible number of cavitations.

Bear in mind that cone beam computed tomography was first introduced in Europe in 1996 and in the US in 2001. You’d think that in about two decades of use that someone would have written up a paper exclaiming that they’d found loads of cavitated jawbone sites. After all, how many root canals and extracted wisdom teeth have there been in the last two decades? There are mountains of them. From the work of Dr. Hal Huggin along with many other caring and knowledgeable dentist like Dr. Gallo, a very high percentage of them are infected/cavitated. Note: A Galileos 3D cone scan of the upper jaw delivers roughly 5 times more radiation than a panoramic x-ray.

Extraction Sites Positive Findings Sample Size Percent Occurence
All Wisdom Teeth Sites 313 354 88%
All 2nd Molar Sites 35 50 70%
All 1st Molar Sites 60 73 72%
Non-Maxillary Molars 72 123 58%
Non-Mandibular Molars 23 51 45%
All Extraction Site Summary 441 517 85%
Overall Rate Regardless of Site 536 691 77%

Table compiled by Dr. Gary M. Verigin DDS from the work of Drs. Thomas Levy and Hal Huggins..

So how many papers have been written? I can’t find one. Neither can Dr. Gallo who has apparently looked because he’s the one that pointed out this lack of literature to me. Given these points, you can see why I suspect that there are a lot of missed cavitations. The resulting damage in health due to missing these sites of infection is truly unfortunate.

2012 Panoramic X-ray

By the way, I found it interesting to go back and review the Cavitat scan I had done of my upper left jaw at the very beginning of my dental journey. This scanning technology was developed by former airline pilot Bob Jones in collaboration with his son who is an acoustic engineer. Unlike x-rays and cone scans that use unhealthy electromagnetic radiation, Mr. Jone’s Cavitat machine uses high frequency sound waves to detect bone density. He initially used the machine to find his own cavitations and recover his health. The machine was initially approved by the FDA and held out a lot of promise. According to Cavitat Ultrasonograph, when the Cavitat was “used in conjunction with a panograph, detection and diagnosis of jawbone lesions approaches 98 to 100% in accuracy”.

The images to the right show the results of the Cavitat scan and a panoramic x-ray done at the time. What’s interesting is that the Cavitat scan shows a decline in bone density starting at the first molar and continuing on back. It always made sense to me that the first molar was in trouble because it had been root-canaled. What I never understood was why the second and third molars also showed serious density loss. Could it be that the cavitated tuberosity sites behind my wisdom teeth were causing this? Maybe.

2012 Cavitat Scan

Unfortunately, the Cavitat is used by only a few dentists today. As is often the case nowadays, big business (Aetna Insurance) put an end to the Cavitat. No doubt, they did a simple cost analysis and quickly determined that they would save a lot of money by simply destroying any hope of the Cavitat reaching mainstream by going after Mr. Jones along with any practitioners, like Dr. Wesley Shankland, that dared to claim the device was useful. In the mind of the borderline psychopathic CEO’s that run big business, destroying the messenger, regardless of whether the message could save untold numbers of lives, is just “good business”. These are the CEO’s that we all have encouraged through investing in their cut-throat and antithetical-to-life business practices. Cheaper is better, right?

And this brings up another very important point that I wanted to raise. This method of nipping novel ideas “in the bud”, ideas that challenge big money interests, continues on today in the form of the blatant efforts by social media giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter to limit free speech through the devious manipulation of “algorithms”. If you are still using these platforms, please watch the video below and visit Biotoxin Journey Censored. The sometimes challenging, and even infuriating, dialog that ensues when everyone is allowed to speak their truth provides the very impetus we need to grow and learn. Free speech is an imperative for any society to remain healthy and vibrant. Without free speech, we’re lost.

Cavitations Revisited

Dr Paul Gallo

At this point, I thought it might be informative to walk you through some of the details related to my latest cavitation surgery with Dr. Gallo in April of 2019. As noted, this was third time I’d been in to have work done cleaning up dead pockets of bone in my upper jaw. The first time was with a biological dentist that cleaned up a botched root canal extraction by a well respected dentist that unfortunately missed a fourth root. Apparently, having four roots on a first molar is quite the oddity and I could have quietly accepted the infection that followed had I not specifically commented that I’d remembered the endodontist that did the initial root canal remarking that the tooth had four roots. It’s so important to be clear, confirm, and re-confirm communications with whomever you’re working with.

In Cavitation Surgery, I discussed my previous experience working with Dr. Gallo who used the esteemed Dr. Hal Huggin’s protocol to clean out three root canal extraction sites. This time around due to a shortage of funds, I elected to forego the conscious sedation, intravenous high-dose vitamin C, relaxing foot massage at the end of the surgery, and such. Instead, I brought about 20 grams of vitamin C mixed in water to take after the surgery and planned on using my Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber on a daily basis for about 40 “dives”. As fate would have it, my chamber developed a leak after two dives and had to be sent in for repair. Ugh. By the way, never take high dose C prior to surgery as it counteracts the anesthetic.

When I showed up at the office, there was some misunderstanding about what sites would be addressed based upon the panoramic x-ray and Electrodermal Screening (EAV) that Dr. Gallo always requests be done to help determine if, and what, work should be done. These things happen and I do admit to having a somewhat terse communication style. It really didn’t matter at all because once I sat done with Dr. Gallo, he looked over the x-ray and EAV results while I talked to him about a lingering dull ache in my upper left jaw and the fact that I kept getting sinus infections.

As we talked, it was first decided to re-open the two extraction sites on the upper right. A bit later, and Dr. Gallo commented that I had a large tuberosity (jawbone behind the wisdom tooth) on both sides of the upper jaw. In his many year of experience, he said that these larger volumes of bone can harbored infections. Upon hearing this, and after the nearly decade battle of trying to clear MARCoNS, I immediately asked if he’d be willing to open up those sites and check. He agreed.

I have to say, it this was one of only a few times working with medical professional over my lifetime when I felt like I was really heard. Given that finding these dead pockets is something of an art, it makes sense that what the patient feels about the matter plays a role in the decision making process. Dr. Gallo’s willingness to really listen and respond to my input went way beyond simply having a good “communication style” wherein the practitioner feigns sincerity and then continues merrily along with their predetermined course of action. He’s a humble guy.

So as I’m writing this, I can imagine the thought of clearing out these sites may sound a bit scary to the novice. However, I’ve been through enough dental work to know that, relatively speaking, cavitation work is straight-forward and quick. Furthermore, the risk of losing the oh-so-important blood clot that forms in the cleaned out hole is minimal because these are places where there is skin over the site that neatly sews back together and helps to prevent lose of the clot and subsequently suffering from a “dry socket”.

Relatively speaking, getting old root canaled teeth removed is much more involved because the dead roots become brittle over the years and often snap off when the tooth is pulled. This necessitates more bone removal. If the tooth is an upper molar, then there is a very real risk of puncturing the maxillary floor into the sinuses necessitating the use of a collagen plug and great care during the healing process. On top of this, there simply isn’t enough skin to close the site fully and this increases the risk of losing the clot – consider having a Teflon membrane.

By the way, one of the asides that came out of my conversation with Dr. Gallo was the fact that he’d found the tip of one of extracted molars on the upper right during the last visit. Due to the anesthetic, I was sort of out of it afterward that first surgery with him so I’d “zoned” mention of this discovery. Wow; a person goes through the effort of having a rotten tooth extracted because it is damaging health and the dentist that does the work leaves in a piece. What was that dentist thinking?

As it turns out, I had those teeth extracted by a maxillofacial surgeon who specializes in this type of work. In hind site, I should have known better than to work with him. Sure he was recommended and was a specialist, but he knew nothing about the importance of debriding the socket after the tooth was pulled using a slow speed drill in order to ensure the periodontal ligament had been completely removed. As such, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that he was OK with leaving that dead root tip in place. Yeah, leave that dead, rotting flesh in my head; that’s going to really help – not.

So what did Dr. Gallo find in this latest visit? Drum roll please. All four sites harbored cavitations. The two extraction sites Dr. Gallo had worked on previously were roughly 50% less in size. Instead of the pockets reaching up to the maxillary floor of the sinuses providing an easy path for MARCoNS to re-infect the sinuses, healthy bone had formed against the floor. My hope is that with this latest work, the remainder of the pockets will fill in with bone. Furthermore, on both sides of the upper jaw behind my wisdom teeth there were cavitations roughly the size of a jelly beam (1 cm3) that extended right up to the maxillary floor. Good golly, no wonder I can’t get rid of MARCoNS.

Lest you think that Dr. Gallo didn’t do a good job the first time around, it’s not uncommon for caviations to need re-treatment. I base this upon the accounts of others, the often sited statistic that “about 30% require an additional surgery or even further multiple surgeries. This should not be surprising as orthopedic surgeons have similar healing problems when they surgically treat osteonecrosis of leg or hip bones” along with Dr. Stuart Nunnally stating studies show it’s 40% without additional therapy – 12:30.

So the surgery went very smoothly. Really, I sat around about as long waiting for the anesthetic to take hold as it took to clean out those four sites. After painlessly slitting the skin, Dr. Gallo uses a drill to explore the site. You can hear and feel after a few seconds when the drill bit drops into the greasy, dark red lined, infected, hollows. It smells bad too.

After drilling, the site is then debrided with hand tools being careful to avoid puncturing the thin membrane on the bottom of the maxillary floor. This is followed by flushing out the site first with iodine and then ozonated water. After cleaning and in order to promote healing, a wad of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is placed into the socket before being sutured closed. PRF is a type of membrane material that is formed by spinning down and removing the red blood cells from your own blood that is drawn at the start of the office visit.

That’s it. I’m going to wait 6 months and then return to Dr. Gallo for another consultation. Given the incremental improvement I’ve seen with each successive surgery (less tinnitus, aching, and a pulsing sensation in my ears associated with heart rate), my hope is that even if testing is inconclusive, that the sites can be re-opened to confirm success. Time and again, from a myrid of sources, one hears that oral health is the cornerstone to overall well-being.

Hell, even Mayo stresses the importance of oral health. If periodontitis (inflamed gums) can mess up your heart, complicate pregnancy, and cause pneumonia as Mayo claims, what do you think a wicked slew of toxic bacterium festering in pockets of bone in your skull can do? Yeah, I’m going to get real serious out clearing these cavitations.

I’ll close this discussion on cavitations with a couple of final thoughts and a list I made for myself after the last visit. First, while Dr. Shoemaker has commented that dentists like Dr. Nicholas Meyer have had success clearing cavitations using a combination of Er:YAG laser therapy and intraosseous ozone (injected into bone), I am uncertain about this approach. In particular, if Dr. Meyer hasn’t surgically gone in to confirm the presence of solid bone in laser and ozone treated sites enough times to be able to confidently say this approach works, then I’m dubious of its efficacy.

Even if the patient’s health improves and 3D scans show the site is clear, is it really? Consider my discussion on the difficulty of finding these sites. Maybe the site is better but there are additional health benefits that are unrealized because the site was only partially treated. If you’re suffering badly and have cavitations, my “two cents worth” would be to physically confirm the sites are clear.

And second, if ozone and laser therapy really are as helpful as is being suggested, what about injecting I-PRF (the liquid form of PRF before clotting) after drilling into the bone and administering intraosseous ozone? This seems like a potent one-two-three punch. What better way to encourage proper healing than by introducing growth factors and stem cells from the patient’s own blood?

Debug Your Health – Cavitation Surgery

Debug Your Health

Cavitation Notes

  1. To ensure MARCoNS in the sinuses are under control and can’t re-infect the newly clean sites, use EDTA spray and nebulized iodine a few weeks before and a few weeks after cavitation surgery.
  2. To prevent contaminating the surgery sites with food, plan on not eating for at least the rest of the day – long enough for the cut edges of skin to begin forming a scar.
  3. After surgery, take nano colloidal silver and wild oregano oil internally to fight infections.
  4. To ensure good clot formation, it’s critical to wait at least 4 hours before driving in a car. At most, driving should be limited to 30 minutes and it’s much better to stay overnight in a hotel 5 minutes away.
  5. I’m often loopy and agitated by anesthetic along with the numbing effects lasting long after the surgery. Next time, I’ll ask if it’s possible to use less.
  6. Find out if vasoconstrictor drugs are used.
  7. After cleaning, the cavitations were loosely filled with PRF. At the next visit, I’m going to ask Dr. Gallo about packing the sites full with PRF. In this case study, PRF was sort of used like body filler on a car to fill in the chunk taken out of the lower lip of a motorcyclist that was in a crash. It worked great; so why not pack the cavitation full?
  8. Dr. Gallo recommended SunBreeze nasal oil containing menthol, cassia leaf oil, mint extract, eucalyptus leaf oil, and camphor for MARCoNS. I’ve discussed a few of these ingredients like cassia in Even More MARCoNS – Essential Oils. I’m uncertain if it can clear MARCoNS but do enjoy swabbing a bit inside my nostrils just before bedtime. It really helps open up my sinuses.
  9. What You Need to Know about Cavitations
  10. Dental Health – Observations & Steps to Ensure a Good Extraction

CBD Hemp Project

Organic Entourage

Recently, my wife’s work as head of sales and marketing at some of the largest dairies and supplement companies came to an end. It’s time for the two of us to start a new chapter. As it turns out, my wife who has always loved working out in the garden and has lamented over the years about not choosing a carrier path that would have put her outdoors with her hands in the soil, set the course of a new direction for us when she told me that she’d purchased 5,000 high CBD hemp seeds and wanted to start growing them in our greenhouse this spring. Ever since, the two of us have been busily learning everything we can about this medicinal plant and starting to farm hemp.

As part of this new endeavor, the two of us have partnered with friends of ours nearby that run a certified organic dairy. It’s been a daunting challenge learning to grow hemp but through lots of research, that I’d actually started years ago when I began reading about soil restorative farming practices, along with the help of our farming friends, our plants now stand about 3-feet tall. Not bad for “newbies”. I’m excited about the possibility of actually having product to sell this fall that meets our high standards. It’s sort of cool.

You can check out our work at Organic Entourage. I’m still building the site but eventually will get the Store up and running. Personally, I haven’t experimented with CBD long enough to have an opinion on it for myself; it can take some time to find the right dosage and a good product. Having said this, I’m looking forward to trying some of our own product, especially the resin because it bypasses the gut. Regardless of my own experience to date, there is a long list of benefits from using CBD as discussed in Full List of Cannabidiol Research Studies – CBD Oil Effects & Benefits.

If you or someone you know could benefit, please help us get the word out. Seriously, we could use some help in this regard. Thanks.

8 thoughts on “Cavitations Revisited

  1. Hi there

    This possibility of dental issues being the cause of other bodily issues is new to me. I’ve recently had a tooth infection which my local dentist gave antibiotics and pain killers for. I’ve since been researching about teeth and whether a front tooth that had work on it many years ago could be the cause of my constant sinus issues. Although I’ve had success clearing sinus infections with CS (colloidal silver) and the like, my sense of taste and smell is sporadic at best. I’m now seriously wondering if this front tooth could be causing my nasal issues. Although it wasn’t officially RC (root canal) I believe the nerve was taken out in an emergency appointment.

    As I look at the gum now it’s black in colour. Do you have any advice for me in finding out if this could be an issue for me and my many health symptoms?

    • I would suggest finding a dentist that specializes in cavitations. One of the resources I used was requesting a list of specialists in my area from Huggins Applied Healing. By the way, taking the nerve out is what a root canal is all about. Best of luck.

      • Hi Greg,

        I have indeed researched biological dentists here in the Uk. There are a couple which have been recommended to me, however, as you know its a very expensive process, so taking advice first is a good idea me thinks. :0)

        So in your extensive experience in all this Greg, having RC could cause sinus issues? Like you, I’ve gone down the MaRCONS route and have had success, at least, in controlling the green and yellow mucus infections with colloidal silver and nasal washes. However I’m still partially blocked and my taste and smell is hit and miss. This is of course not mentioning my other many physical and mental symptoms.

        What advice would you give me….?

        Many thanks

        • That’s a tough question. It sort of depends on what you’ve tried and the level of success you’ve had.

          If I were you and had worked hard to recover my health with muted results, I’d spend the money and get that dead tooth extracted. This is all the more the case with recurrent sinus issues – especially for upper teeth below the maxillary sinus. If I had wisdom teeth pulled, I get those sites cleaned out at the same time. I’d make sure to get PRF. I’d re-read and follow my dental lists at Observations & Steps to Ensure a Good Extraction and Cavitation Notes exactly. If could get access to an HBOT, I’d at least try to do a few dives immediately after.

          I don’t know if you ever read Root Canal Cover-Up. It is compelling. There is also information like the work of Dr. Issels who found that by simply removing root canaled teeth, 24% of his cancer patients went into remission without any additional therapy. Of course there are no guarantees, but for me, if a person’s health is suffering without remedy, then cleaning up dental issues makes good sense.

          • Hi Greg

            Yes I’ve tried many many things to get well! Many things. I’ve had improvements but that elusive energy still hides from me. I feel there is still something keeping me in this loop of bad health. My practitioner thinks copper toxicity, mold and gut issues. But still, five years working on those and no lasting relief!

            I’ve had no wisdom teeth out, instead I had four molars out in each quadrant.

            Not sure what an HBOT is.

            But yes, I will go ahead with a consultation once I find the right dentist for me, there are a couple who use the practices you describe. The opg (panoramic) scan anyway.

            Fingers crossed all this will hold some relief for me. Kinda weird to think a tooth or root that causes no pain could cause issues elsewhere in the body!

            Thanks for those links Greg….

            • I can relate. My health is substantially better than when I was at my worst, but I do wish I had more energy and slept better. I really do think dental health is so important.

              HBOT stands for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – see The Case for Mild HBOT.

              While making sure to eat a diet that works for you is a must (confirmed with food testing and an elimination diet), I’d say that years chasing after copper toxicity is maybe enough. I’m not sure what your protocol is for mold, but I’m in the camp that says that mold doesn’t live inside the body (except for very rare cases). Instead, it’s about dealing with an inability to clear mold toxins – hence this website.

              Did you read my articles on sleep? Not being able to breath well at night is huge. It definitely was a nice bump up for me in quality of sleep and hence energy.

            • It can take me a few days to get a chance to look at the site and respond. In an effort to discourage spammers, I manually approve all comments. As such, after you click “Send”, it might take a few days before your comment shows up.

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