Published July 16, 2018
Well, I’ve been buried neck deep in writing computer code. After successfully writing a challenging block of code, I thought that now was a good time to write about one of the health topics I’ve been studying. In particular, a Reader commented about using Turpentine related to my last article on parasites. Intrigued by this seemingly outlandish suggestion, I decided to do some research and discovered that one type of turpentine, Pure Gum Pine Spirits, in fact does have well know medicinal benefits including treating parasites.
During the process of discovering that Pure Gum Pine Spirits has medicinal benefits and trying it out for myself, I was struck with the fact that folks with chronic illnesses really do have to be willing to expand their horizons and question mainstream knowledge. I could have easily dismissed that Reader’s comment. After all, I remember in my youth using turpentine to clean out the oil-based paint from the brushes my Dad and I used one summer to paint our church. After cleaning, I’d carefully comb out the brushes to straighten them and remove those stubborn deposits that always remained where the bristles are most tightly packed at the metal ferrule. Who in their right mind would consider using turpentine to topically treat cuts and bug bites, let alone ingest the stuff!
Types of Turpentine
As we begin, it’s important to understand that there are various distillates from pine trees and even petroleum that are all called “turpentine”. This is important because it’s only the turpentine that comes from naturally distilling pine gum from living trees that should ever be used medicinally – pure gum pine spirits. All the other forms are hazardous to your health. From now on, I’ll refer to this medicinal form of turpentine as “Pine Spirits” as it’s really misleading to include this essential oil in with other toxic distillates that have all been lumped together under the turpentine heading.
- Sulfate/Wood Turpentine: There are various types, but essentially this turpentine comes from the condensate that results when cooking wood pulp to make paper, or steam distillation of shredded pine trees. This form of turpentine is primarily used by the chemical industry. Not surprising, it contains many harmful chemicals.
- Mineral Turpentine: This turpentine comes from distilling petroleum and is very different chemically from the natural form of turpentine.
- Pure Gum Pine Spirits Turpentine: The natural resin (gum) from pine trees is collect by tapping pine trees and then steam distilling to produce this natural turpentine with many medicinal benefits. When no other solvents or preservatives are added, it is really an essential oil.
Research in Favor of Pine Spirits
Given that pine tree sap/gum/oleoresin is produced by the tree where the bark has been damaged in order to protect the exposed wood, it should be of no surprise that the distillate of pine gum has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties and is used for everything from topically treating cuts to taking it internally for candida overgrowth in the gut. The tree knows full well how to protect itself.
Used medicinally since the time of Hypocrites, many benefits have been found for this natural essential oil. Likely, this has to do with the fact that pine spirits are volatile and therefore capable of readily passing through the body’s membranes. In addition, there are as many as 47 different compounds in pine spirits. Given that some these include the turpenes alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, and limonene that are also found in marijuana and other essential oils, turpentine is also used to treat inflammation, bronchitis, depression, anxiety, and memory loss.
In the past, there had always been a strong demand for turpentine. For instances, it was used in ship building and then in making synthetic camphor. Natural camphor has many healing qualities too. However, I do not recommend synthetic camphor.
Early medical volumes like the Merk Manual elucidated the many benefits of pine spirits. In the past, pine spirits as a healing agent was commonly understood by the population. In Pining for Turpentine, the author recounts how in days of old, the sign posted at an annual Catface Community Turpentine Festival read, “Nature’s Best Medicine: Pure Turpentine.” The author goes on to write, “Indeed, the spirits of turpentine were a virtual panacea. A spoonful of turpentine, mixed with camphor oil, was believed to cure tapeworm. A clean rag lightly soaked with turpentine would heal any cut, scrape, or scratch. The fumes of turpentine acted as vapor rub to clear congestion of the sinuses. It cured sore gums, toothaches, rheumatic disorders, and muscle pain. Blisters, insect bites, snake bites, colds, coughs, fevers, even constipation and sexual dysfunction called for turpentine as a cure, and it was used as such by turpentiners, national militaries, and families alike.”
Of course, not all effective medicinal remedies used in the past proved to be safe. For example, while mercury was used to effectively treat syphilis and typhoid fever, clearly this was an unsafe practice. The fact that mercury is still used in amalgam “silver” fillings today reflects poorly on dentistry, but then I’ve digressed. So although pine spirits medicinal benefits have been well established in documentation from around the turn of the 20th century (1900’s) doesn’t necessarily mean pine spirits are safe. Thankfully, the more recent studies below show that in small doses, natural pine spirits are indeed safe.
- Painful Neuropathy – 2017 study shows turpentine was equal to capsaicin in reducing pain scores for diabetic neuropathy.
- Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal – In this 1980 study, pine spirit terpene was shown to inhibit B. thuringiensis mold spores and diminish the growth of some Staphylococcus bacterial strains.
- In the 1898 King’s American Dispensatory they write that along with treating high fever resulting from intestinal ulcers, that pine spirits are “… likewise recommended in neuralgia (nerve pain), chronic rheumatism, dropsy, suppression of urine, worms, especially taenia—tympanitic distension in typhoid fever, peritonitis (gut inflammation), or other diseases—chorea (involuntary movement), hysteria, croup (respiratory infection), colic, jaundice …” and “… has been employed with advantage in chronic catarrh (inflammation), chronic bronchitis, fetid bronchitis (bad smell), and pulmonary gangrene, chronic dysentery (gut inflammation), chronic diarrhoea, chronic inflammation of the bladder, gleet (urethral discharge), chronic gonorrhoea, and leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) … The dose in ordinary cases is from 6 drops to ½ fluid drachm (1/3 teaspoon or 33 drops), and even to 1 drachm (0.7 teaspoon), at intervals of an hour or two in acute and every 3 or 4 hours in chronic diseases. In the course of its action it is absorbed, and imparts its odor to the breath and perspiration. In doses varying from 20 minims (1/3 teaspoon) to 1 fluid drachm (0.7 teaspoon), according to the urgency of the symptoms, and repeated every 3 or 4 hours, it is a most efficacious astringent, and may be used in epistaxis (nosebleed), hematemesis (vomiting blood), hemoptysis (coughing blood), and other sanguineous (bloody) discharges.” My notes are in parenthesis.
- 2010 French study concludes by saying “The essential oil of turpentine and its two major volatile compounds are natural products, which pose no hazard when used in small quantities. They have a number of properties that are beneficial to human health and wellbeing and may be used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The major characteristics of these compounds are summarized (below)”.
- 1955-2007 Russian Turpentine Bath studies are consistent with the reported benefits of bathwater infused with a turpentine mixture. These benefits include expanded and increased number of capillaries, improved circulation, reduced pain and inflammation of joints, treatment of nerve damage and aid in tissue heal, rejuvenates skin, promotes resolution of lung inflammation.
- A graduate of Harvard with a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania and proponent of pine spirits, Dr. Daniels makes mention of the fact turpentine was recommended in the 1901 Merck Manual for a range of conditions that includes parasites, meningitis, rheumatism, and bronchitis and having the qualities of an expectorant (helps loosen mucus), styptic (anti-bacterial) and hemostatic (stops bleeding) – see also 1899 Merck Manual. There are in fact numerous references in the Merck Manuals for the use of turpentine. I’ve included the main Merck listing below along with the conversion of out-dated units of measure.

Oil, Turpentine, Rectified, Merck.—Medicinal. pg. 65
For internal use only the rectified oil answers.
—Dose: 10—30 m; for tapeworm, 1—2fl. drs.
—Preparation: Lin. (35%, with 65% resin cerate).
My note: 8 fluidrams= 1 fluid ounce so 1-2 fl. drs.= 1/8-1/4 fluid ounces= 3/4-1.5 teaspoons
My note: As a liniment consisting of 35% turpentine and 65% resin of a waxy consistency
Turpentine Toxicology
Let’s begin looking at the toxicity of turpentine by briefly looking at a typical “turpentine is toxic” article, Medicine doesn’t come from the hardware store: Don’t drink turpentine. The author of this article begins by correctly stating that the turpenes in turpentine are hydrocarbons. However, he then goes on to suggest that a recent Merck Manual document, “Hydrocarbon Poisoning”, proves that turpentine is toxic. The first line in the Merck document states, “Ingestion of hydrocarbons, such as petroleum distillates (eg, gasoline, kerosene, mineral oil, lamp oil, paint thinners), results in minimal systemic effects but can cause severe aspiration pneumonitis (lung inflammation from inhalation).” And later states, “Recreational inhalation of halogenated hydrocarbons (eg, glues, paint, solvents, cleaning sprays, gasoline, fluorocarbons used as refrigerants or propellants in aerosols—see Volatile Solvents), called huffing or bagging, is common among adolescents. It can cause euphoria and mental status changes and can sensitize the heart to endogenous catecholamines.” Sounds pretty bad; right?
Let’s look. By definition, hydrocarbons are organic compounds made up exclusively of hydrogen and carbon. There are natural and synthetic hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons can be pure or impure (bonded with other atoms). There are many categories of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons do in fact make up petroleum and natural gas and are used for the production of plastics, fibres, rubbers, solvents, explosives, and industrial chemicals. At the same time, hydrocarbons occur naturally in plants and when they do, they’re called turpenes. For example, the orange pigment in carrots is a hydrocarbon.
So the author makes some very large generalities in order to suggest that all turpentine is toxic when used medicinally. Setting aside the fact that even water is toxic if you drink enough of it, the Merck hydrocarbons referenced are petroleum based. As mentioned earlier, petroleum derived turpentine is completely different chemically from natural pure gum pine spirits distilled from the sap of living pine trees. Even if the reference particularly addressed turpentine, as in other articles and studies, what type of turpentine are they referring to? It makes a huge difference. So the fact that natural turpenes fall under the hydrocarbon classification does not mean that they have the same toxicity as petroleum distillate hydrocarbons. The details matter.
Turning our attention to a much more in-depth look at turpentine toxicity, we have this 2002 Review of Toxicological Literature. Given that, from a medicinal standpoint, natural pure gum pine spirits is nothing like other forms then the title of this review alone should stand out. Namely, it is entitled “Turpentine (Turpentine Oil, Wood Turpentine, Sulfate Turpentine, Sulfite Turpentine) – Review of Toxicological Literature”. Right from the get-go, we see that the author has lumped the various types of turpentine all together. Nevertheless, let’s see what we’re able to discern from the review. Note: Generally, “turpentine oil” refers to natural pure gum pine spirits.
The first 10 pages, or so, layout the basics including the composition of turpentine, how it is made, and its history of use. The author clearly describes the various types of turpentine and that it was turpentine oil (pine spirits) that was medicinally used in the past and upon which toxicology studies in the early 1900s were based. She writes, “A clear distinction was made between turpentine oil and the steam-distilled wood turpentine, with only the former accepted for use medicinally. Externally, turpentine oil was used in liniments as a stimulant and counterirritant. Turpentine to be taken orally was “rectified” by reacting it with sodium hydroxide. Most of the original oil was distilled off the sodium hydroxide/turpentine mixture, and then dried with either anhydrous calcium chloride or anhydrous sodium sulfate. Rectified turpentine was used in human and veterinary practice as a stimulant diuretic, anthelmintic (anti-parasite), carminative (flatulence), and expectorant (mucus decongestant).” She goes on to describe that turpentine oil (pine spirits) is used today in massage oils and aromatherapy products. For example, turpentine is still used in Vicks VapoRub to externally treat respiratory tract.
Along with other constituents, Vicks VapoRub has synthetic camphor and turpentine, of an unknown type, in it. As a result, I plan on making my own vapor rub with camphor, eucalyptus oil, menthol, and pine spirits that I’ll swab inside my nostrils and apply topically. There are various DIY Vapor Rub recipes available that use beeswax and coconut oil as a base. Then again, I may just buy Diamond G Healing Pine Salve and mix in additional essential oils.
Getting back to the report, it is useful to note that on page 9, the author lists a chart showing what percent of the various types were produced by year. In 1950, 38% was turpentine oil (pine spirits) with the remaining types being for non-medical use. By 1970, only 4.5% of the turpentine produced was pine spirits and by 1980, the percent of pine spirits produced compared to the other types was 1%. In other words, more recent toxicology studies and reports of turpentine poisoning are most likely from one of the toxic forms – especially by the 1960s.
With those dates in mind, we reach the table “Acute Toxicity Values for Turpentine in Humans” on page 17. The author sites 2001 data from the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS). Unfortunately, we’re provided no details. The author states that the oral lethal dose ranges from 15 to 150mL (about 3 to 30 teaspoons). We’re not told what type of turpentine was ingested, the age of the person, or any other mitigating details. We’re also told that the minimum lethal dose for children is 14 grams (3.3 teaspoons). Again, there is no mention as to the type of turpentine or the weight of the child.
One bit of potentially meaningful information comes in table 10, “Acute Toxicity Values for Turpentine in Animals”. At least in this table, we know that the exposure was controlled, of a given type, and the mg/kg of turpentine that caused toxicity. Once again, we’re not told what type of turpentine was used but at least we have some specifics.
Given that the generally accepted use for pine spirits is topical application and ingestion, there are two entries related to oral intake. One states that 5,010 mg/kg caused toxicity in rabbits and another states 5,760 mg/kg made rats sick. For a 100 pound person, 5,760 mg/kg equates to 1.38 cups of turpentine. So even if pine spirits was used (this seems unlikely given the more recent dates) and knowing that the maximum recommended dose for an adult is 1 teaspoon, the data suggests that it takes the equivalent of at least 66 teaspoons to make an adult sick.
This report and others I read goes on to say that breathing turpentine vapors for extended periods of time is not good, some folks have a skin reaction to exposure, and injecting turpentine is definitely a bad idea. But again, the author doesn’t site the type of turpentine. In all likelihood, given the fact that the sources listed are from the 1980s and more recent, the turpentine used to produce the toxicological effects noted was not pine spirits.
Although breathing the vapors of pine spirits for medicinal purposes is documented in various literature, it is important to not overdose. In the report, one of the statistics says that the permissible exposure limit (PEL), as an 8-hour time weighted average, for turpentine is 100 ppm or 560 mg/m3. Again, we don’t know what type of turpentine they’re referring to. However, the typical volume of one breath is 500 ml or 7 ml/kg bodyweight. The typical breath rate is between 12-18 breaths per minute. In one hour at 18 bpm, this works out to 9,000mL or 0.009 cubic-meters. Using the PEL limit, this works out to a total intake of 0.009×560= 5.04mg of turpentine in eight hours. Since one teaspoon of turpentine weighs 3,943mg, this equates to 5.04/3943= 0.00128 teaspoons= 0.0063mL. This amount is way less than a single spray from a 0.1mL nasal spray bottle. Consequently, never use straight pine spirits as a spray!
In the end, very little can be learned about the toxicity of pure gum pine spirits from this report. On the bright side, the report did help me refine my internet searches. With refined searches, I was able to locate two documents that specifically speak to the toxicity of pine spirits.
In Lethal Danger In The Home, the 2014 paper discusses the effects on a 9 year old boy who drank 50mL (10.25 teaspoons) of turpentine oil in the form of a hair tonic – most likely made with natural pine spirits. The article does suggest that there may have been other ingredients mixed in with the turpentine. Particularly, the document says that the tonic had been “prepared by his father for hair care”. Ignoring these other possible ingredients and assuming that pure gum spirits was used, let’s look at what the document says.
To begin, the average weight of a 9 year old boy is 63 pounds. The equivalent amount for a svelte adult female is roughly twice that much, a little less than half a cup. For an adult male, it would be even more than half a cup. So what happened to the child? He developed hypotension (low blood pressure) and a related sinus bradycardi (regular but unusually slow heart beat) that resolved after 3 days and the child was sent home. All in all, not so terrible given that roughly 24 times the recommended dose was taken.
Switching to a 1953 document on pine spirits, Poisoning By Volatile Oils In Childhood, we are presented with the useful table 4, “Poisoning by Oil of Turpentine”. As noted, “oil of turpentine” is synonymous with pine spirits. So here we finally have some actual data for pine spirits albeit mostly in terms of children. I have summarized some of the information below along with making calculations based upon average weights.
Age/Weight | Symptom | Amount | 100 Pound Equivalent |
7 month (18.3 lbs) | death | 2 drachm (1.4 tsp) | 7.7 tsp |
5 month (16.6 lbs) | stupor | 1 drachm (0.71 tsp) | 4.3 tsp |
2 yrs (27.5 lbs) | vomiting | 1/2 ounce (3.3 tsp) | 12.1 tsp |
3 yrs (31 lbs) | vomiting | 1 ounce (6.7 tsp) | 21.6 tsp |
20 yrs. (128 lbs) | urinary | 1 ounce (6.7 tsp) | 5.2 tsp |
Given this information and knowing that children are generally much more susceptible to having adverse effects to overdosing, it’s clear that pine spirits are quite safe when no more than 1 teaspoon for adults is taken. Additionally, should a person ever overdose, then purging the stomach and using an enema to clear the intestines is always a good idea – regardless of how long ago the over exposure occurred. When contemplating this information, keep in mind that if you take Tylenol for 4 days or longer, the Acetaminophen in Tylenol may permanently damage your liver. Relatively speaking, pine spirits looks safe to me when taken as advised.
Pine Spirit Uses & Applications
Turpentine – Internal Uses
- Anti-Cholinesterase (block the normal breakdown of the neurotransmitter)
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Anti-rheumatic (rheumatoid arthritis)
- Antidote to Phosphorus Poisoning
- Anti-Noxious
- Anti-Stress and Sedative
- Antioxidant
- Antispasmodic
- Chronic Constipation
- Chronic and Fetid Bronchitis
- Dissolves Gallstones
- Diuretic
- Dropsy (excess water retention of organs or tissue)
- Haemorrhage (intestinal-pulmonary-uterine-hemophilia-nose-bleeds)
- Hypoglycemic
- Epilepsy
- Flatulence
- Gallstones
- Genitor-Urinary Antiseptic (used as a douche)
- Haemostatic (slows down or stops bleeding)
- Immuno-stimulant
- Insecticide
- Leucorrhia (vaginal discharge)
- Migraine
- Modifies tracheo – bronchial secretions
- Oliguria (diuretic like effect)
- Phosphorus Antidote
- Puerperal Fever (infection of uterus after birth)
- Pulmonary TB (lung TB)
- Urinary and Renal Infections – cystitis urethritis (inflammation of the urethra)
- Vermifuge (removes worms and parasites)
- Rheutatism (painful body)
- Spasms (Colitis – whopping Cough)
- The Practice Of Aromatherapy and The Essential Oil Of Turpentine
Turpentine – External Uses
- Atonic wounds (a slow healing wound or damaged or weakened muscle)
- Analgesic (pain relief)
- Antiseptic / Bactericide
- Fungicide
- Leucorrhea (vaginal discharge)
- Pesticide / Insecticide
- Puerporal Infections (bleeding under the skin – purple spots)
- Revulsive (counter irritant or antidotal)
- Rheumatism-Goat-Neuralgia-Sciatica
- Scabies or Lice
- Sores and Gangrenous wounds
- The Practice Of Aromatherapy and The Essential Oil Of Turpentine
Good Turpentine Qualities
It is important to purchase a totally natural pure gum pine spirit. I looked into Diamond G Forest Products pine spirits distilled from the gum of Georgia pines. As it turns out, U.S. and Canadian pine spirits have higher beneficial Limonene levels (at least 4 times) and some of the lowest levels of the more problematic 3-Carene than turpentine produced in other parts of the world. In addition, Diamond G confirmed that they “fire distill” the pine gum using steam and do not add any preservatives or solvents.
In Turpentine – Healer Complete, the author writes, “The most suitable microbicidal hydrocarbons seem to be those with boiling points between 100°C and 200°C. The lighter and more volatile hydrocarbons, while very effective for cleaning the blood, have a stronger odor and are more difficult to “stomach”, while those boiling over 200°C tend to remain in the intestinal tract and act mainly as laxatives rather than being absorbed for a microbicidal effect in the blood.” The boiling range of Diamond G Forest Products turpentine is 154°C – 170°C (309°F – 338°F). This is just right for systemic use.
In terms of storage, shelf-life is lengthened when pine spirits is kept in a cool, dark place with the lid on tight. Even though turpentine does not have a set “expiration date”, the general consensus is that it will keep for up to a year. However, it’s my understanding that turpentine never really goes bad. It will eventually start to naturally oxidize, turning yellow in color and gets slightly thicker in texture, but it’s still the same turpentine. Like other volatile essential oils, don’t store turpentine in a bottle with a rubber stopper as the rubber will degrade over time. If you know of other good brands, post a comment below. Note: I have no financial affiliation with Diamond G Forest Products.
- Sore Throat – Swab the back of the throat with turpentine.
- Sinuses – Mix 5 drops turpentine into 1 tablespoon olive oil. Drop several drops into each nostril to relieve congestion and infection.
- Cough – Massage the sinus mixture into the back and chest to relieve a cough.
- Inhalation – breathe the vapors from turpentine for delivery into the lungs, throat and nasal passages.
- Turpentine Health Benefits
When it comes to taking pine spirits internally, I strongly recommend reading Dr. Jennifer Daniels’ document, The Candida Cleaner Version 2. The top line of her protocol includes eating organic, low sugar foods along with ensuring 3 bowel movements daily and drinking 1 quart of water per 60 pounds of body weight before using pine spirits. You want to make sure your body can eliminate the toxins that will be produced. Supplements should be kept to a minimum.
In terms of treatment, 1 teaspoon or pine spirits is mixed with 4 times as much white table sugar and then washed down with water. This is done 4 days in a row, and then twice weekly until health returns. I have to say that I really enjoyed reading and listening to Dr. Daniels’ material. I particularly enjoyed listening to her talk about how conventional medicine on a bureaucratic level is all about maximizing profits at the expense of patient health. Of course, there are deeply caring health care professionals within this broken system. She’s a true warrior. Note: Turpentine should never be used after you’ve imbibed alcohol.
Along the way in researching about turpentine, I stumbled over turpentine baths. Essentially, pine spirits is mixed with other healthful oils and extracts along with cetearyl alcohol. I’m assuming the alcohol is to help the oils disperse in the bath water and not sit on the surface as a sort of mini oil slick – pine spirits is an oil. Personally, I liked the Zalmanov`s Yellow Turpentine Bath Emulsion. I found the white emulsion made me too “wound up”.
In the links below, they discuss soaking for 15-20 minutes at the most in 100 degree Fahrenheit water. A maximum of around 60-70mL of emulsion per 200 liters (52 gallons) of water should used. It’s important to work up to this amount starting with about 20mL and adding an additional 5mL in each successive bath. A standard tub holds 80 gallons of water when full and excluding the person. An extra deep tub holds 110 gallons.
Personally, I found about 20mL to be about right in terms of its relaxing effect. Once I used 40mL (it’s important to work up to higher concentrations) and felt like a “wet towel” for the rest of the day. I was super relaxed and couldn’t get any work done. I have to say that I wish I knew about these baths when I was suffering from really bad anxiety because based upon my experience, they would have been helpful. Note: In my experience, pine spirits is strong medicine so start really low and work up very slowly.
Please take note of turpentine bath contraindications. Don’t take a bath during a heart attack, stroke, dramatically elevated blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, surgical pathologies, blood vessel blockages, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, and the first 6 months of breastfeeding. Also, turpentine should never be used after you’ve imbibed alcohol.
- Therapeutic Turpentine Baths
- Online Turpentine Bath Forum
- Zalmanov`s Turpentine Bath Emulsion
- Turpentine Baths
- Indications For Turpentine Baths Application (Russian)
- Yellow Turpentine Bathtubs And Bronchodilators Inhalations
- Turpentine White Emulsion Baths & Sexual Dysfunction
Personal Account
My Symptoms
- Wake up just before thunderstorms
- Occasional twinges of anxiety and significant fatigue after meals especially if eat too many carbohydrates
- Fatigue and brain fog to many foods – “food allergies” even though latest Dr. Yu report found few problematic foods
- Sugar cravings
My Experience
I went up to ingesting 1 teaspoon 4 days in a row “right off the bat”. I wanted to see if after all the parasite treatments I took, whether there was anything still lingering in my gut. I also wanted to hit any possible overgrowth of Candida hard – I’d tested for slightly elevated amounts of yeast in the past. What I learned is that pine spirits is strong medicine. In addition to the nausea, I had a serious loss of balance. It reminded me of the days when we were doing volunteer work in the South Pacific. Being part of the local community, I would sit around with the men in the evenings and share stories over many cups of a yaqona (kava).
Yaqona is a central nervous system depressant. Your brain sort of loses the ability to coordinate body movement. As a result, I can’t count the number of times I hit my head on the low doorway of our outdoor pit toilet surrounded by bamboo covered walls that I’d stop by on the walk home. Pine spirits had the same sort of effect on me. Please take care. It is probably not a good idea to operate heavy equipment after taking a significant amount of pine spirits.
- Day 0: Tried one sugar cube with pine spirits with no ill effects.
- Day 1: Went up to the full 1 teaspoon (7 sugar cubes) loaded with pine spirits the next morning on an empty stomach. It was hard to eat that much sugar and the taste became very obnoxious by the last cube. By the last cube, my tongue felt like it was “burning” a bit. I ate a small piece of meat to help balance out all that sugar, drank a glass of water, and brushed my teeth. About two hours later, ate a light breakfast and became nauseous and dizzy shortly after. I had to rest for an hour before recovering. Dizziness subsided after a couple of hours. Felt better after each of three bowel movements. Felt somewhat agitated during the later portion of the day – same as when it’s about to rain/storm. Dreamt of meeting a misshapen giant of a man who was a thug and was falling apart and leaking everywhere.
- Day 2: Instead of sugar cubes, I soaked granulated white sugar with pine spirits making sure that there was enough sugar to absorb all of the liquid by using a 1:4 ratio of pine spirits to sugar. I then stirred the mixture in a small glass of water and “chugged” it all in one gulp. Waited to eat breakfast about an hour and felt fine. However, after breakfast felt dizzy but no nausea for about two hours. Felt better after loose bowel movement. Urine and stool smell pungent like bread yeast.
- Day 3: Felt dizzy again for a few hours with very slight nausea. Stool is quite loose. Could smell a bit of the pine spirits in first bowel movement that occurred an hour or so after dosing. Dosing was the same as day 2. Will try to use more sugar tomorrow as Dr. Daniels says the sugar helps slow absorption as well as defeating the defense mechanisms of yeast. Dull headache that lasted all afternoon. Breathing seems easier. Feel more relaxed.
- Day 4: Used 5 teaspoons of sugar with 1 teaspoon of pine spirits. Had less nausea and dizziness. No loose stool.
- Day 6: Did not take any pine spirits on day 5 or 6. Felt like my body was crashing at the end of day 6. I had flashbacks to when I was really weak and felt like I was going to die. Quite unpleasant.
- Day 9: Took 1/2 teaspoon mixed in 2 teaspoons of white sugar and washed it down with a glass of water. Did not have any nausea or dizziness. Continued taking this amount twice weekly for two weeks with no additional changes.
Stool Pictures
Not wanting to freak anyone out, but below are a few pictures I took during the first several days. The far left picture is one I found on the web of yeast. The picture second from the left shows bits of a stringy white substance floating on the surface around around larger bits of undigested pine nuts. The picture second from the right is of a bit of pine nut on the tip of a small knife covered in a gelatinous coating. The far right picture shows the slick coating on the pine nuts under a microscope. Given the pictures, and the fact that the smell was of rising dough, I suspect the coating was yeast. Note: I stained the microscope sample red for better clarity.
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It turns out all those folk through out history that used turpentine distilled from the sap of living pine trees knew what they were doing. What’s disappointing is how hard a person has to look to discern the truth. This reminds me of our current political climate. People seem to be endlessly arguing about religion, gender, and race without ever looking into the heart of the matter – how money works.
Just like digging into what’s the truth behind pine spirits, it takes real effort to uncover buried truth behind money and power. If a person doesn’t take the time to understand that when a private central bank like the Federal Reserve takes control of the money supply that all manner of wrong-doing will ensue, then I would politely suggest that they’re missing the bigger picture.
Without centralized banking, World Wars resulting in massive loss of life and property aren’t possible. Without centralized banking, unsustainable consumption leading to crushing dept isn’t possible. And in terms of the political impact of centralized banking, FDR once said, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”. Given the power in the hands of the few that control the money supply, it should come as no surprise that talk about how money really works is replaced in our schools and mainstream media with endless debate and controversy over gender, race, religion, class, and sexual preference. Bankers giggle with glee in seeing us all arguing amongst ourselves while they continue to rape and pillage.
Individuals that don’t make the effort to understand that banking is at the core of our troubles, unfortunately end up engaged in activities that are tantamount to laboring over the selection of a good supplements all the while ignoring mold growth in the basement due to a water leak. Deliberation over supplement selection can be helpful. However, when the basement floor joists are covered in toxic mold, it’s important to address the core problem before any real headway can be made.
In addition, when a person doesn’t make the effort to comprehend the heart of the matter, then they will be blind to the myriad of perverse offshoots stemming from the core corruption and easily led down countless “rabbit holes”. Question the mainstream narrative and come to understand that banking is the key. Failing to do so means that you’re just a “pawn” to be played and sacrificed by those in the know.
I pray for us all.