EXXCL Oralblue Nasal Spray
A few years back, I had surgery one more time to try to clear the jawbone cavitations that keep me from permanently clearing MARCONS. Based upon the fact that I continue to have sinus issues, I do not think it was successful – haven’t tested for MARCONS in quite a long time.
The surgery went well but once again, the anesthetist (they put me under) did not draw enough blood prior to surgery. As a result, there wasn’t enough platelet rich fibrin (PRF) to completely pack the cleaned out jawbone pockets. Apparently, the pockets were much larger and numerous than expected. After surgery, I did do daily HBOT sessions, high dose vitamin C, and such.
Related to perpetual sinus congestion, occasional pain, and not healing well after surgery, I just recently learned the $2,000 Phillips Dreamstation I purchased to help with sleep apnea is toxic. It turns out that the sound dampening foam placed inside the air chamber degrades over time. Consequently, smallish carcinogenic particles of foam are inhaled by the user. One of the known effects is reoccurring sinus infections.
Reading the Phillips is “dragging their feet” when it comes to providing replacement machines, I took my machine apart. Using a “drain weasel” that I spun with a drill, I was able to wind up the foam on the end drain weasel line and pull it out. No cutting of holes, that could inadvertently affect the air flow sensors, required. It’s too soon to tell, but the first night after removing the foam, I slept exceptionally well.
Getting back to the reason I’ve brought up nasal infections, the very good biological dentist, Dr. Gallo, introduced me to EXXCL nasal spray. It comes as a liquid that can be put into type of spray bottle that dispenses the liquid as foam that you snort. When my sinuses are particularly congested, one small puff in each nostril every few days helps a lot.
I would not be surprised at all if this spray was effective at clearing MARCoNS. I say this in part because I can taste the Splenda in the mix for full day with just one spritz. For anyone interested, the ingredients are water, SD alcohol, glycerine, betaine-glycine, surfactant, FDC Blue no. 1, Splenda, flavoring.
HBOT Repair
I’ve written extensively about HBOT. About a year ago, the seal around one of the two polycarbonate windows started to let loose resulting in a small air leak. It was a the same spot as the previous repair done by the company. Since the warranty had expired and not wanting to allow the opening to get any bigger, I did some research and came up with two possible solutions.
The first method I tried was to use heat to re-weld the window to the shell. The shell is made from nylon impregnated with rubber. I purchased to specials irons, set them at the right temperature, and then held one on each side of the opening. Here is a link describing the basic approach.
The trouble was that the irons were not big enough, the heat wasn’t distributed evenly, and it was impossible to know when the window and shell had fused together. I ended up melting the window and shell a bit but not to the point of causing irreparable damage.
The second approach was to scuff up the mating surfaces with course sandpaper and apply 3M Scotch-Weld Urethane Adhesive 3535, Off-White, Part B/A. This is a two part adhesive that you mix up and then must apply within 3 minutes. It was selected to work with the specific materials of our HBOT. After applying it, my wife went inside and held one side while I pressed on the outside to hold the freshly glued seam until the glue set. So far the joint has held.
Given that there is no known cure for chronic kidney disease, I decided to do a deep dive into any possible alternative medicine solution that could help. Rumors about the healing potential of “Med Beds” sent me down the plasma/frequency rabbit hole. While I believe authentic replicas of Rife machines and high quality frequency generators like those made by GB4000 look interesting, solid data showing the efficacy of any particular frequency just doesn’t seem to be there. Less robust frequency devices like those offered by Spooky 2 strike me as being very “iffy”.
One device that I did end up buying was a Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO). It was invented by Dr Georges Lakhovsky in 1923. The machine applies very high voltage to a series of successively smaller, concentric, open-ended copper rings that are placed on each side of the patient. The rings bath the patient in a electro-magnetic field made up with a huge array of frequencies. The theory is that cells in the body absorb the frequencies they need in order to become re-energized.
There were two main reasons I eventually decided to spend roughly 10K for a VRIL MWO. The first is that extremely intelligent individuals I’d read about as it relates to alternative energy, like Paul Babcock and Eric Dollard, showed interest in the technology. The second was the number and range of documented reports from doctors using the Lakhovsky MWO in the 1920’s and 30’s. I purchased, translated, and read digital copies of the original doctors reports.
For those interested, you may also want to look at the RT17 MWO made in Croatia. Both VRIL and RT-17 make outstanding machines. I decided upon the VRIL because of questions around the implications of converting 110V power in the USA to 240V power used in the European RT17.
I wrote to both companies about this question. To be honest, I don’t know enough about electronics to discern if running an RT17 in the USA is an issue or not. I can tell you both companies are highly reputable and run by very intelligent individuals that make convincing arguments both for and against running and RT17 on 110 volts. Here are links to get those interested started on the subject including the discussions I had around the 110/240 volt question.
Lakhovsky MWO
MWO – Babcock & Dullard
RT17 MWO Power Supply Controversy.pdf
To date, I haven’t used the MWO enough to draw any conclusions other than it is very relaxing and does give me a slight energy lift. Given that VRIL doesn’t sell the accessories originally provided by Dr. Lakhovsky, I purchased spiral applicators and a ground pad from RT17. Using the applicators on specific areas does impact that area. For example, when I applied the ball end of one applicator on my back at each kidney, there was some soreness for two days after. If this a healing effect, a result of too much power, or was it because I didn’t apply a second applicator on my stomach area opposite the the one my back as Lakhovsky recommended. I can’t say. I suppose I’ll eventually do some before and after lab work to see if it helps with my kidneys. Right now, I still just experimenting.
Recorded Diseases Cured by MWO
- Head: Headache, Migraine, Certain Cancers, Hypertension And Cerebral Arteriosclerosis, Compression Of The Nerve Centers By Hemorrhage, Exudates, Without Meningeal Chronic Forgetfulness, Cloudy Or Late Acquired Intellectual Perception And Reaction, Etc. And The Hair Loss.
- Eye: Retinal Hemorrhage Or Congestion, Delayed And Not Ready Visual Accommodation, Weak Eyesight And Pain In The Ocular Lobes, Visual Phobias, Tics, And Intermittent Strabismus, Cataracts (Without Operation), Miosis, Mydriasis, Anisocoria, Exophthalmos, Epiphora Pain Spasms Paralysis A Kind Of Tension.
- Mouth Nose Ears: Excessive Salivation Mug, The Spasms Pharynx, Alveolar Pyorrhea, Dental Abscesses. Vasomotor Rhinitis, Congestion Of Croissants And Breathing Difficulties (Stuffy Nose), Colds, Sinusitis, Ear Infections And Chronic Purulent Otitis Media.
- Respiratory System: Asthma Attacks, Bradypnea, Wheezing, Tightness, Change In Breathing Rate, Cough And Nervous.
- Cardio-Vascular System: Irregular Pulse, Brad And Tachycardia, Arrhythmia, Extra Systoles, Abnormal Coronary Retrosternal Pain And Precordial Beats Neck (Cephalic Thoracic, Epigastric), Sensations Of Hot And Cold Local And General (Hot Flushes, Chills) Vaso-Motor Disorders Targets (Redness, Pallor), Dermografismo, Aorta, Aortic Ectasia, Myocarditis, Cardialgia, Palpitations, Sores From Varicose Veins, Hemorrhoids, Phlebitis, Etc.
- Urinary System: The Subjective Sense Of Bladder Fullness Unjustified, Frequent Urination Or Frequent And Low Or Imperative Tenesmus, Incontinence, Polyuria Crisis With Clear Urine Or Oliguria.
- Genital: Man: Frigidity, Impotence And Psychological Dysfunction In General Or Singular Or Individual, Priapism, Sudden Erections, Spermatorrhea, Prostatitis, Cystitis And Prostate Hypertrophy. In Women: Leucorrhoea (White Discharge), Altered Menstruation, Painful, Weak And Irregular As Time And Quantity, Vulvar Itching And Sexual Asthenia, Dysmenorrhea Pronounced.
- Digestive System: Altered Digestion, Painful Sensations, Hyperchlorhydria, Heartburn, Colitis, Tension, Regurgitation, Belching, Gastroduodenal Ulcers, Spastic Colitis, Diarrhea, Constipation, Cholecystitis, Hepatitis, Gallstones, Gastroenteritis, Colitis, Mucous Membrane, Gastralgia.
- Skin And Annexes: Skin Rough, Dry, Dry, Old, Thin And Dried Without Freshness And Lack Of Elasticity And Expression; Hives, Itching, And Some Exem Dermatosis, Dermatitis Undernutrition, By Avitaminosis (Concentration Camp); Assidrosi, Hyperhidrosis, Seborrhea, Hypertrichosis.
- Disorders Of Sensitivity ‘And General Diseases Eruptions And Sudden Passing, Tremors, Itching, Heat Visceral, Vague Cramps, Colic, Cramps, Fixed And Mobile, Myalgia, Arthritis, Infantile Paralysis Progressive Synovitis, Tabes, Disease Parchinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuro Spinal Sclerosis, Arthritis, Deforming Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscle, Joint, Etc.
- Material Replacement: Altered Turnover (Metabolism, Catabolism), Intolerance To Fats And Carbohydrates, Obesity, Thinness, Acids Unique, Diabetes, Gout, Etc., Self-Poisoning.
- Mental Health: Hypochondria Or Melancholy, Apathy, Delusions Of Persecution, Religious Obsessions, Changes In Character, Phobias, Emotional, Anguish, Anxiety, Excessive Modesty, Instability, Wickedness, Mental Irritability, Impatience, Insomnia Or Drowsiness, Exaltations Multiform, Hysteria , Etc. Anticocainismo And Antimorfinismo.
- Miscellaneous: Injuries And wounds slow to muddy and difficult course of healing, neuritis, sciatica, muscle pain, lumbago, and some trassudati exudates, abscesses, inflammation, dizziness, fatigue or general weakness, Meteorosensitivity, disorders and endocrine dysfunctions, gumma, etc.
Bob Beck
One of the more interesting electrical devices I came across in my search related to treating illness using was a simply device that applies a small amount of current into a portion of a person’s blood. Now sold under the brand name SOTA, the design was based upon the work of two researchers that found they were able to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi by applying a small current directly into the bloodstream – see U.S. patent 5,188,738.
The patent describes embedding a small electrical device into an artery. Using this patent, physicist and inventor, Bob Beck, built a device that could develop a similar current flow in the blood by applying a small DC square wave to the pulse points on the wrist. Anecdotally, Bob Beck describes numerous ailments including cancers that have been cured with the device. And as Beck notes, the original inventors would not have been given a patent had they not been able to provide proof the device works.
Bob Beck at Global Sciences Congress 1998
Suffice it to say that I decided Mr. Beck seemed credible enough that I purchased all three devices sold by SOTA. For myself, I was interested to see if the Magnetic Pulser could help with my necrotic jawbone and if either the Silver Pulser or Bio Tuner could help with overall health. To be honest, I can’t say I noticed much difference using the Silver Pulser – I haven’t used the other two much yet. I used the blood pulser/cleaner (Silver Pulser) for about a month every night. Although I can’t claim any notable change after using it, I still feel the device could be helpful for others, and to be clear, I feel basically healthy.
Given the price and an interest in being able to loan pulsers to others, I decided to build two different versions of the blood pulser. My thinking is that should there be another biolab pathogen released, the Beck’s blood pulser may be helpful. Using schematics online of the Beck pulser, I had a batch of printed circuit boards made up. Hooking up the DIY pulser to an oscilloscope showed it worked correctly. Note: After going through the very tedious task of soldering in the components on the first board design, I had the components soldered in by the board manufacturer on the second board design for about a buck.
The second board was made using the improved design of the BioElectric ME/DC pulser. I recommend that anyone interested read through the information on this site. I’ve tested both the original board design and the BioElctric ME/DC device using an oscilloscope and the output is correct. Knowing what I know now, I would have saved myself some money and only purchased from BioElectric. Of course, SOTA makes top notch devices too but when money or transfection is a concern (see below), BioElectric is a good alternative choice.
The pre-soldered boards cost about $10 – I had about 10 of them made. If anyone is interested, I can send them them the Gerber design files that are submitted to a company like JLCPCB. Of course, you’ll need to put leads on the switches and LEDs that are then plugged onto the board and throw it all in a box, but the design work is already done.
Build Your Own Bob Beck Pulser
How to Build a Bob Beck Blood Electrifier
Make sure to read up on the precautions in Bob Beck’s protocol. One important precaution relates to the fact that using the original design frequency of about 4 hertz, medications and herbals will be absorbed via transfection at dangerous rates – the blood cleaner profoundly potentiates medicines. In part, that’s why I like the BioElectric ME/DC device since you can increase the frequency from 4 hertz to either 16 or 100 hertz. The Biophysics Journal, vol 58, reported that close to 1 hertz caused the greatest amount of transfection, 4 hertz caused 11% as much, and 10 hertz and above caused none
In any case, make sure to read up on the Bob Beck protocol. These devices are not trivial. I can tell you that the SOTA Brain Tuner caused flashes of light in my eyes when I cranked up the power. Do not do this. A gentle pulse is all it takes. And although I’m reticent to say it, I don’t recommend the brain pulser because of my concern over possible eye damage.
Bob Beck Protocol
Bob Beck Stage III Protocol
BioElectric’s Electromedicine Devices
And last but not least, I encourage you to look at the powerful pulsers made by Andrey D. You can purchase PCB boards and make your own pulser, or purchase a complete unit like I did. The unit was really well made and compared to a SOTA pulser, incredibly powerful. I conversed with Andrey quite a bit and he is a genuinely good person and very knowledgeable on the subject. Seriously, I worry about the troubled times we’re headed into and having different treatment modalities on board makes sense to me.
Andrey D – Beck Pulser
Bob Beck Magnetic Pulsers
Audrey D
After listening to pre-med professor, Ingrid Heitsch, lecture on the benefits of magnetic pair therapy, I decided to buy a set of magnet pairs and Dr. Gracia’s book on their placement.
On rare occasions, I suffer from bad headaches that can last for more than a day. During the last bout, I tried several of the magnet placements recommended in the book. None worked so I grabbed a set of the larger magnets and placed them where I felt they would do the most good – at the base of my skull where my headache seemed to be coming from.
The headache was mostly gone in 15 minutes and completely gone in 30 minutes. I was shocked and amazed. My personal feeling is that anyone that is really interested in this modality should study under Dr. Ingrid or Dr. Garcia as the book alone isn’t enough.
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy – Ingrid Heitsch PhD
Dr. Garcia Biomagnetism
Hi Dose Ozone IV
This is one of those therapies that I get the sense will prove itself to be able to cure a myriad of ailments – maybe because of its oxidative effects are like chlorine dioxide on steroids. I don’t remember how I happened upon this therapy, but after researching it some and hearing from our nurse practitioner that it was being used to cure some cancers, I decided to pursue this method.
Perhaps I should back up a bit. Briefly, a portion of a person’s blood is withdrawn via a line-set running through an infusion pump and treated with an anticoagulant. Contained within an IV bag, the blood is then infused with a very strong concentration of medical grade ozone before being returned to the patient via the same infusion pump. This process is repeated anywhere from one to ten times (10-Pass Ozone) with the amount drawn also varying. Additionally, the blood may be passed through ultraviolet lamps (UBI) of varying frequencies.
After many days reading about EBOO, 10-Pass, and UBI, I came across SOPMed. Right away, I was impressed with their willingness to share their approach and to make equipment available. They have improved upon the 10-Pass method and added UBI to their therapy. I’ve written to them and they are incredibly kind and well informed. Note: SOPMed has taken a different direction since I researched their material. Much of the information on their site and YouTube is no longer available.
Unfortunately, the cost for therapy is quite high. A single 10-Pass treatment runs around $500. It’s not uncommon for 10 treatments to be needed. This adds up to $10,000 if both my wife and I get treated. Given the cost and a desire to have this modality on hand for a later date, I decided to see if I could source the material required.
The equipment is straight forward. It can be purchased through O3UV. Alternatively, there are less expensive pumps and ozone generators. Given that the type of precision required for dispensing drugs is not required for ozone therapy, I see less expensive equipment as a viable option. Not that I’m recommending anyone ever try to self treat! Note: Be aware that infusions pumps often require specific line-sets and commonly can not reverse flow by flipping the line-set like in the Hedy infusion pump sold by O3UV.
The biggest hurdle is sourcing an anticoagulant and to a lesser degree saline. Heparin is only available to the medical community. The same holds for its better alternative, tri-sodium citrate. However, pharmaceutical grade ingredients to make sodium citrate anticoagulant can be purchased. Saline (sodium chloride 0.9%) can be purchased directly if you find the right site. For myself, I have procured the materials and plan on making use of them sometime this winter.
SOPMed Equipment
SOPMed Training
Invisible Cure
Anticoagulation Techniques in Apheresis: From Heparin to Citrate
Typically, 10mL of 4% sodium citrate is used for every 100mL of blood.
Mini-Split Mold
Since last writing about the challenges of keeping mini-split air conditioners mold free, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s impossible. For a long time I searched for a way to clean the mold that accumulates on the tiny, curved fins of the barrel fan. I tried steam, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and various homemade curved cleaning tools. None of them worked very well.
What I finally figured out works is to fog a strong 50/50 bleach solution and let it sit for 30 minutes or longer. The fogger (like the one I used to clean our car) is powerful enough to push the solution through the aluminum fins and get everywhere on plastic fan blades. After soaking, I use a spray bottle filled with water for rinsing with the runoff being caught by a big towel taped below.
The trouble is that the damn mini-split will start molding up almost immediately after being cleaned. As I noted in Clean Fresh Air, mini-splits are notorious for mold. It’s not surprising when you look at the design. The cooled air, that necessarily has high relative humidity, is pulled through the cooling fins before washing over the barrel fan blades. As such, the blades are always in a high humidity environment. Consequently, the dust that inevitably collects on the blades starts to mold. I’ve had my mini-split get bad enough to make me symptomatic after only 3 weeks since last being cleaned.
I’ve turned the damn thing off for good. I now use window air conditioners only – we do not have a whole house air-conditioner. In contrast, whole house air conditioners, whole house dehumidifiers, and window air-conditioners, inside air passes through the fan before (not after like in a min-split) the cooling fins and therefore is relatively warmer and drier. The chance for mold growth is a lot less but still requires regular inspections.
Obviously, the more humid the inside air, the greater the chance for problems. I’ve seen serious mold inside the ductwork of whole house air-conditioners. This is made worse when the ductwork is insulated wherein the insulation is on the inside of the metal ductwork.
Car & Dehumidifier Mold
Regarding car mold, I just want to reiterate that it’s a real issue. I had to clean our Honda CRV just recently when my mold radar started to light up. You can read about this in Clean Driving Machine.
Regarding standard dehumidifiers, I was beginning to think that mold wasn’t an issue. In dehumidifiers, there is a single fan that that takes inside air and pushes it first through the warm fins of the condenser coil and then through the cool fins of the evaporator coil – the two coils sit side-byside. Given that the fan sits next to warm fins, the chances of mold building up on the fan blades is even less than what you’d expect for a simple fan for moving air.
And typically, the condensate running off the the cooling fins is enough to prevent any mold growth. I say typically, because for the first time in years of regularly cleaning our dehumidifiers, I found one with mold growth. Well, actually it found me when I started to react whenever it ran. I should mention that this was a unit we used when we were growing hemp so I don’t know if the volatiles accumulated as a film on the fins or what but that machine was seriously moldy. I more vigilant about yearly dehumidifier cleaning.
Just like with the mini-split the best approach is to bag the electronic and then use a fogger with a strong bleach solution to ensure wetting of the tightly spaced fins on the two side-by-side coils. I’ve tried spray bottles with a bleach solution but the spray is too course. Besides, it uses a lot of liquid, and just doesn’t get all the way into the fins. After soaking, I rinse the fins with a light spray from a garden hose before blowing the unit off with compressed air.
Sleep Fresh Air – PAP Sound Box
This is one of those pearls that I think could be really helpful for folks that can’t immediately move out of a moldy home or who travel and invariable end up in a hotel that is moldy or steeped in chemical fragrances. I tripped across this solution when my Dreamstation PAP machine started making a squealing noise with each in breath. This was so exacerbating because I’m particular sensitive to noise just as I’m about to nod off. I was constantly being re-awoken by the noise.
I purchased a new blower, but it was just as bad as the old one. As noted above, I removed the toxic foam in the machine and this only made the squealing worse. The solution to the noise was to build a pine box.
I made a box out of knot free, 3/4” thick pine boards. The mask hose exists through a hole cut at joint between the bottom of the box and the flip up top. That way I can lift up the top without fussing with the hose. On the back of the bottom portion, I fitted a short section of 1-1/4” white PVC tubing by gluing a two rings on the pipe – one on the inside and one on the outside. I cut the rings from a matching PVC “coupler”.
As such, I have a short 2” long PVC pipe sticking out the back of the box. After getting fried by my mini-split and desperate for a good nights sleep, it dawned on me that I could connect a second hose to this PVC pipe and run it out the window. I used cheap 1-1/4” “sump pump discharge hose” that you can buy a most big-box hardware stores. I can not detect any order from the hose and its long enough that you can make several spares. I purchased a 1-1/4” bottle brush with a long handle so I can clean it regularly.
The plastic hose is mostly corregated but every six feet it has a smooth section that slips perfectly over the PCV tubing. For a more permanent installation, a second PVC pipe could be installed through an outside wall or a board that fits in the window. For a wall installation, a dryer vent hood, or something similar, will keep rain and snow out of the hose. Just to be safe, I would also pitch the PVC pipe to the outside. With a more permanent setup, you don’t have to mess around with trying to figure out how to plug the window opening. Note: The corregated portion of the tubing is slightly smaller in diameter so you’ll need to taper one end of the PVC pipe to get it to fit.
I take my PAP machine and sound/fresh air box whenever I travel. Although I call ahead to confirm the hotels I’ll be visiting don’t use scented clothes soap and are relative new, I can never be sure the building won’t be toxic. So long as a window opens (I always make sure this is the case before booking), I know I’ll get a good nights sleep even in a toxic environment.
Before leaving this topic, there are two important nuances worth mentioning. The first relates to building the box. The second relates to folks that don’t use PAP machines. Regarding building the box, I’ve made two now. For the second one, I used plywood for the top and bottom. This was a huge mistake because the off-gassing was insane.
Since the top and bottom were fitted into grooves and the corners of the box were finger-jointed, it couldn’t be disassembled. So I struggled to find a way to block the noxious fumes. I first tried a zero VOC paint. This helped but wasn’t enough. I then went over to a friend’s place and used his metal brake to bend up aluminum sheet metal to fit perfectly inside the box. The metal lining worked but what a hassle.
In contrast, the first box used unfinished knot-free pine for not only the sides, but the top and bottom too. For me, the very faint pine smell was not an issue. I’d be careful about using boards with knots because the sap that often weeps from them has a strong pine smell.
And for those that don’t use a PAP machine, if you’re in a bind and can’t get out of a toxic environment right away, this is still an option. The bi-pap machines I’ve worked with could have their pressures turned way down to the point that the machine was simply providing the make-up air as you inhaled without any notable pressure – see my other articles on PAP machines. To be safe, I’d recommend getting a technician’s manual for the machine before making a purchase to confirm the pressures can be turned way down.
An additional benefit over fixing a simple blower in a box is that if you live in a cold climate, you can purchase a bi-pap machine with a humidifier. Cold outside air is really drying. It can dry out your sinuses in a few days to the point where they will be painful. The humidifier not only moistens the air but warms it too.
And I understand there is the whole issue of wearing a full or nose mask but I know for myself, this would have been a God-send had I known about it when I was at my worst and living in our moldy house. Now with my PAP box, I let the blower run for 15 seconds before dawning the mask so the first breath is of clean outside air. Immediately I relax because I know I’m going to be able to sleep well. By the way, I wear a full mask due to the pressurized air and the tendency for that air to seep into my mouth and wake me up. For folks running near zero pressure, I would think a less intrusive nose mask would work fine.
DIY Mandibular Device
I worried a bit about what I’d do in a power outage unable to run my PAP machine. Sure they make battery power supplies but what if the outage is extended? In Sleep Disorders, I discussed professionally made mandibular advancement devices. These dental fixtures hold the lower jaw a bit forward and for many, this is enough to minimize snoring and prevent their airway from closing off. The problem I had with this solution was the expense.
In steps my neighbor and good friend with an inexpensive solution. It’s called InstaMorph. It comes as small white beads that you heat in a pan of boiling water until they turns clear. At that point, the beads can be formed into a roll that fits between your front teeth – mine stops after the first molar. Holding your lower jaw jutted forward a bit, the material is formed on the outside with fingers and inside with your tongue while its still warm and pliable to make a sort of “mouth-guard”.
Then you wait for the material to cool and set. It’s important not to move your jaws during cooling. If anything, jut your lower jaw forward more than less. It’s actually really hard to remain still long enough because you lose sense of where your jaws are at. After ending up with a too-loose fitting device due to moving, I ended up using the sink sprayer and running cool water over the plastic to get it to set quickly.
I’ve tried the device and it works. Using the device alone, there is no snoring or choking for me. If I ever want to change the shape, I just throw it in boiling water and rework the material.
Mold Zombie
I’ve got this theory I’ve been kicking around for years. I think mold takes over people’s thought processes. I’ve commented before about when I was really sick that I was drawn to sitting in dark corners. I suppose you could argue it was because I couldn’t tolerate a lot of social interaction. On the other hand, maybe it was because those are the kinds of places mold likes – out of way, little light, low air movement, and more damp.
When it comes to my family, I failed to make any headway with my sister or Mom. My sister lives in a super toxic environment that I confirmed the last time I visited. My Mom, in spite of years of trying to get her to engage with various treatments, just wouldn’t. At least my brother acknowledges mold is a big issue. Nevertheless, he refuses to to this day to run a dehumidifier in the crawlspace of his home. This is the spite of the fact that his entire home was remediated, in part, due to mold in the crawlspace. He says he’s afraid the dehumidifier will catch on fire.
I think mold has taken control of their thought processes and is controlling their behavior to ensure its survival. Their behavior goes beyond foggy thinking. My brother and sister have been shown unequivocally that they suffer from mold toxins. And yet, they seem to “forget” this all important fact. Time and time again I remind them that they need to move to clean spaces and yet, within days all three slip back into old routines. The mold wins. It’s heartbreaking but I’ve done what I can and continue to remind them that they need to take mold toxins seriously. Everyone has their own path…
Thank you for this post. You are a remarkable individual and I’d love to share more if I can somehow communicate with you. I’ve read so many of your articles and you have helped me so much. You are so intelligent and well-written that you have a gift.
I’ve always wanted to thank you but never found a comment box so thank you! Great options and now I will share not to use those ac units. Would love to share more if you have the time! God bless.