January 3, 2024
I’m writing to ask for help. My wife, Tara, has lost a lot of weight and is having trouble regaining it. It’s to the point that when I look at her and massage her achy joints that I’m shocked at how thin she is. She doesn’t seem to have any cushioning over her joints. To date, we have not found a solution.
She first noticed something about three years ago when her daily morning bowel movement became consistently watery. She didn’t say anything to me because other than this, she felt okay. I kick myself for not noticing her weight loss sooner but I just chalked up the loose skin on her body to old age. Lately, she’s been experiencing more and more fatigue along with joint swelling and pain that moves from joint to joint seemingly caused by a little bit of stress to the joint. For example, she’s had a sore jaw for a month, mid back is sore, sometimes knees, ankles, wrists, shoulders. This joint pain started with the first Fenben treatment for parasites about 4-months ago.
For treatments, she’s tried Jeni Patel’s probiotics with some temporary firming of stool but no other notable benefit. Given that her symptoms suggest parasites, (see the list below), she recently took a few rounds of Fenben and Nitanoxinide. She had a very strong reaction to the first round of Fenben that included fever for a week, nausea, extreme fatigue, joint swelling and pain, and 4” circular rashes most on her legs. Symptoms were less intense with the subsequent three rounds of Fenben. Interspersed in the rounds of Fenben are courses of Nitanoxinide. Each round is 2-3 weeks after the previous. According to Tara, prior to taking Fenben, she felt mostly fine other than the weight loss and some tiredness.
Recently, she has been taking a dose of Cholestyramine each day and that has resolved the diarrhea. The most concerning symptoms now are migrating joint pain and stiffness (seems to be triggered by use of a joint) and morning tiredness (she’s in bed about 10-hours a day and it’s a struggle for her to get up and going in the morning). Her weight has been stable at 110 lbs for the last couple of months (up from a low of 102), but still a good 10-15 lbs lower than would be healthy for her.
Until this all started, she was very healthy. She could eat anything and had tons of energy. Note that we lived in Northern India in 2005/6 for a year, and she’s worked long hours for years, including consistent travel (and the issues that come along with time zone changes and stays in various cities around the world). She’s stopped working about 4 years ago and has been home with me for the most part except for a few trips for fun. In 2020, she went to the Dominican Republic with a friend and was required to take a nasal swab COVID antigen test to return home.
As we try to think back and connect events that could be related, she did crush a finger about 2 years ago. An emergency room visit for stitches followed by sessions in our HBOT and her finger is completely healed. Unfortunately, she had a Tetanus shot in urgent care. It turns out that the Tetanus shot also included diphtheria and pertussis vaccines (DPT). In talking with an alternative nurse practitioner, we’ve since learned that tetanus really isn’t needed except for cases where foreign material is embedded in the wound. Besides the importance of doing your own research before agreeing to any medical treatment, the other reason I bring up the DPT shot is because I found a case study of a young, healthy woman who experienced extreme weight loss after receiving a DPT shot.
She’s also milking cows at a local organic dairy two mornings a week, and that’s a messy job, with exposure to manure, barn dust and farm animals.
She takes protein digestive aid and ox bile with breakfast, and chelated multi minerals, vit D, NAC and has recently added glucosamine/condroitin sulfate. She makes fresh pressed juice (greens when available, carrot/beet/apple). She makes bone broth weekly from organic beef or pork and cooks almost everything organic and from scratch. She does eat sugar and drinks wine daily so that’s probably not ideal.
We’ve ordered a parasite test kit from Raphael d’Angelo, M.D. MT(AAB) at ParaWellness Research (https://parawellnessresearch.com/). And will likely continue working to clear any parasites found. We have also made an appointment with an alternative medicine doctor. So I’m hoping there is someone, medically trained or not, that can give help us with moving forward.
You can either post a comment or email us at HelpTara@BiotoxinJourney.com. Note: I will reply to all emails sent so if you don’t get a reply, it means either I didn’t get it or your email service is blocking biotoxinjourney.com emails.
Tara Current Symptoms
- Cold hands and/or feet
- Cold intolerance
- Dry Skin
- Brittle/dull/dry hair
- Hair loss
- Sleep disturbances
- Grogginess upon waking
- Poor concentration/memory
- Frequent urination
- Watery stool
- Gas
- Mood swings
- Ringing in the ears
- Difficulty relaxing
- Muscle inflexibility
- Joint stiffness/ache/swelling
- Headaches
- Glasses for reading
- Decreased libido
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
In terms of my own health, my kidneys (CKD) continues to be an issue. They can be sore some days. I’ve tried nutritional supplements by a nurse practitioner that uses a ZYTO scanner. I’ve also tried nettle seed extract and Kyotsujigyo kidney tablets without any notable symptom relief – I have not been doing labs for a while. I also did Fenben and Nitanoxinide rounds with zero ill-effect. Actually, I felt more energetic while taking them. I do get some appreciable relief from castrol oil compresses that I wear over my kidneys for about 8 hours every 3 days or so. Although the focus is on Tara, if anyone has any suggestions, I’m “all ears”.
As a way of showing our appreciation for any help people are willing to offer, I’m written up a new posting about what I’ve learned related to CIRS and health over the last number of years. I consider a few of them to be real “pearls” because I think they could be incredibly helpful. We are all in this together.
And for anyone interested, you can see some of what Tara and I have been up to at https://www.youtube.com/@organicentourage. Additionally, we have plans to have many hundreds of dying ash (emerald ash borer) harvested from our property followed by planting 10,000 saplings of varying varieties. And because we just can’t seem to help ourselves, Tara and I have been chainsawing down acres of invasive species, mostly honeysuckle and buck thorn, chemically treating the stumps, and then covering the stumps with wood chips. I’ve been doing most of the “grunt work” but Tara continues to feed the chipper and carefully treat the stumps.
Thank you!
I’m sorry that your wife is suffering so much and that you are also dealing with health issues. I recently started experimenting with chlorine dioxide (CDS) and believe it helped rid me of an infection that my body was struggling to eliminate. The Powers That Be have put out a ton of negative information about using CDS for one’s health—which reminds me of the war against certain meds in recent years.
On Telegram and elsewhere, people from various countries have written testimonials about successfully using CDS (and a form of it called MMS for Miracle Mineral Solution) to eliminate infections, toxic metals, mold, Lyme, parasites, and more from the body.
In case you have any interest in exploring this topic, I can point you to some experts. Jim Humble has written books on the subject of MMS (he died last year in his 90’s). Andreas Kalcker has written books about CDS. His web site is https://web.andreaskalcker.com/en. I just saw that he has some videos on YouTube.
CDS/MMS has been called the Universal Antidote. Lots of information, including documentaries and training materials, is available here: https://theuniversalantidote.com.
I recently started following a retired plastic surgeon who is himself just now learning about CDS. Check out: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/0a5710a1-643b-4f8e-be84-3fb554fa3fa8. You might consider starting with him for an overview of this topic.
Best of luck with whatever avenue you choose to pursue.
Your help is much appreciated. Over the years, Tara and I have dabbled with MMS. More recently, she purchased the two solutions A&B after our reading that Dr. Lee Merritt from The Medical Rebel recommended its use. We will be looking over your links in the next few days and into MMS more seriously. Thank you.
it looks like bartonellosis to me. I had been there several times. I recommend – divide your problems into groups, do not combine them all together. I also dare to recommend, stop using antiparasitics. Her bowels are very sensitive and switch treatment to support, stop liquidating. So, to resolve the bowels, I recommend:
a) if she can eat almost nothing, basic probiotics for fresh newborns, usually in drops and only one strain is included.
b) if she can eat, exclude gluten cold turkey; take Saccharomyces boulardii before breakfast and try also in the evening before dinner; plus Japanese fermented ingredients such as umeboshi. People tend to underestimate this superfood, but I recommend focusing on it. Eat 1/4 to 1/2 a plum a day. Umebosi can completely repair the microbiome in a matter of days.
Also, if you can handle it, you can eliminate sugar completely. In that case, after 3 weeks, add enough rice. Drip on it, for example, Kikkoman.
As for the other issues, antibiotics will be needed in my opinion. If it is bartonellosis (look on the internet for hives symptoms), it takes 3-4 months, on antibiotic treatment.
Thank you for taking the time to help us out. We will definitely look into this. Tara does take fermented food regularly including kombucha that she makes herself. Do you have any links to a good Umebosi source and bartonellosis diagnosis and treatment? Thanks again.
I’m so sorry to hear about your wife’s suffering. And I’m sorry that I have no medical advice to offer. The only thing I can tell you is that we all need more happiness in our lives when I was very ill due to mold and Lyme the best tool for me was to shift my mind away from health as much as I was able. As a Latina, music is key, so I did not just sing my favorite salsa songs, I screamed and released so much tension it helped me a lot I also started a new project that will help others, one small step a day has brought me hope. Kindly,
Thanks so much for your thoughts. I like the idea of bringing more joy into our lives – for sure that’s important. We’re so lucky to have had a baby kitten arrive at our doorstep last summer. She was probably about 10-weeks old and was very scared and hungry. Over time, she moved onto our porch then in the garage, and by last fall, she was fully settled into the house. She’s such a fun little thing to have around, and very vocal. I’ll have to play some salsa songs; maybe we can all sing along.
For Tara – maybe consider researching Histamine Intolerance. (I myself may have had a mild case due to years of half the recommended daily dose of diphenhydramine – – took due to trouble sleeping due to mold exposure / sinus problems – now resolved). Although probiotics are helpful, one website courtneyholmbergnd.ca mentions “Some strains of beneficial gut bacteria, known collectively as probiotics, display histamine-increasing properties, while others offer histamine-lowering effects. Moreover, some histamine-increasing probiotics include: Lactobacillus casei. Lactobacillus Bulgaricus ….. (Myself I stopped probiotics). I was diagnosed with low Iga – – My Immunologist recommends Tagamet to lower intestinal acid and therefore raise immunity (IgA). I believe my high stomach acid is due to work/pscyhological stress (nightmares). I have read that Bone Broth raises histamine. Could Tara have bad effects from chemicals for treating stumps ? What about outdoor mold exposure for her? Anyway – – I hope these comments help you rule out certain factors. (My office had an ERMI score of 2.8 and I probably have CIRS – – but thankfully now work at home with almost no mold). Consider traditional medical evaluation for parasites ? For over 10 years, the less sugar or refined grains I ate – – the better I feel. One Dr says I need evaluation for SIBO. Thank you for your wonderful website with all the mold documents.
Hi Kevin,
Thanks so much for your ideas. We hadn’t considered histamine and the foods or conditions that raise it. Probiotics are a complicated topic. I’ve tried a few things and never noticed much, but of course, that doesn’t mean it’s not having an impact. I’ll look into these both some more. The parasite test kit has arrived, so we can get those results and then hopefully work with a practitioner to address
Related to sleep, Chamomile and Valerian teas are nice in the evenings and perhaps helpful. I also use melatonin and turn to gabapentin (1/2 to one capsule at 100 mg) in cases where I’m really having trouble sleeping. It seems that gabapentin is useful for nerve pain, it seems to settle things down. It’s by prescription only, but most providers are happy to prescribe and it’s very inexpensive, so useful to have on hand.